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Abella (talk | contribs)
Created page with "[http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=188228&sid=e6e51e7ea48276d23350857383b853d0 Consells d'interfície d'usuari per a mètodes d'entrada (xinès)]."
Abella (talk | contribs)
Created page with "[http://hi.baidu.com/realasking/blog/item/f01a6baffc294bf1fbed502c.html Instal·lar kimpanel a una Fedora 10 en un portàtil (xinés)]."
Line 64: Line 64:
[http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=188228&sid=e6e51e7ea48276d23350857383b853d0 Consells d'interfície d'usuari per a mètodes d'entrada (xinès)].
[http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=188228&sid=e6e51e7ea48276d23350857383b853d0 Consells d'interfície d'usuari per a mètodes d'entrada (xinès)].

[http://hi.baidu.com/realasking/blog/item/f01a6baffc294bf1fbed502c.html Install kimpanel on a Fedora 10 notebook (Chinese)]
[http://hi.baidu.com/realasking/blog/item/f01a6baffc294bf1fbed502c.html Instal·lar kimpanel a una Fedora 10 en un portàtil (xinés)].

[http://songlinyi.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!9D1E6496716547EE!238.entry kimpanel + ibus (Chinese)]
[http://songlinyi.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!9D1E6496716547EE!238.entry kimpanel + ibus (Chinese)]

Revision as of 02:44, 10 April 2011

KDE Input Method Panel


Translated "almost" verbatim from http://userbase.kde.org/Tutorials/Kimpanel_(zh_CN) (deprecated due to new translation system)


kimpanel is a panel Plasmoid for various input methods with concurrent Plasma theme.



kimpanel is in the kdeplasma-addons part of the KDE SC 4.4(.x) release, so you should update your system to KDE SC 4.4.x, install kimpanel via package manager.

For Kubuntu 9.10 + KDE SC 4.4.x:

sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-kimpanel

Right click desktop, choose add widgets, place the kimpanel Plasmoid (possibly named "Input Method Panel") wherever you prefer.


Arch Linux users please check kimpanel-plasmoid-svn in AUR.


Support for FCITX has been in trunk since r294. Users are encouraged to upgrade.

svn co http://fcitx.googlecode.com/svn/trunk fcitx
cd fcitx
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install


*Arch Linux users should check fcitx-dbus-svn in AUR. fcitx-svn is okey though.


*Kubuntu users should check fcitx-svn.


Install ibus as usual. Then

For Kubuntu 9.10 + KDE SC 4.4.x:

  • install kimpanel-backend-ibus
sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-kimpanel-backend-ibus
  • open systemsettings -> autostart, add
ibus-daemon --panel=/usr/lib/ibus/ibus-ui-kde


ibus requires ibus-qt or ibus-qt4 to input special characters in KDE/Qt applications. (I doubt it --- there is XIM still.)

If the kimpanel Plasmoid is absent, please check $QT_IM_MODULE and set that to ibus.


Consells d'interfície d'usuari per a mètodes d'entrada (xinès).

Instal·lar kimpanel a una Fedora 10 en un portàtil (xinés).

kimpanel + ibus (Chinese)