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Claus chr (talk | contribs)
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| prevtext=Parametre til renderingsprofiler | nexttext=Capture Audio<!--XXTjek-->
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Revision as of 06:22, 19 January 2015


Kdenlive giver mulighed for optagelse af video fra eksterne enheder - Firewire, FFmpeg, skærmoptagelse og Blackmagic.

Du konfigurerer videooptagelse i Indstillinger -> Indstil Kdenlive -> Optagelse (mere om det her).

Du definerer stedet, hvor dine optagelser skal gemmes i Indstillinger -> Indstil Kdenlive -> Miljø -> Standardmapper (mere om det her).

For at udføre en optagelse går du til Optagemonitoren og vælger optageenheden fra drop-ned-listen nederst til højre.


Dette optager video fra enheder forbundet via et firewire (også kendt som IEEE 1394 High Speed Serial Bus) kort og kabel. Denne funktion bruger programmet dvgrab; dets indstillinger kan tilpasses ved at klikke på svensknøgle-ikonet eller vælge Indstillinger -> Indstil Kdenlive. Se Configure Firewire Capture.

To perform a capture:

  • Plug in your device to the firewire card and turn it on to play mode
  • Click the Connect Button
  • Click the Record Button — note it toggles to grey while you are recording
  • Click the Record button again to stop capture. Or click the stop button.
  • Once capturing is finished, click the disconnect button
  • In the Captured Files dialog, click the import button to have the captured files automatically imported into the project tree.

Note: If your device does not start playing the source device when you click the record button, you may have to start playback on your device manually and then click record.


Jeg tror, at dette optager video fra et installeret webcam ved hjælp af Video4Linux2.


Dette optager en video fra computerens skærm. I version 0.9.2 bruges recordMyDesktop til optagelsen. Der er et uløst problem med denne funktion i version 0.9.2 — se fejlrapporten 2643

In version 0.9.3, the screen grab is done by the ffmpeg functionality instead. For screen capture to work in ver 0.9.3, the version of ffmpeg installed needs to have been compiled with the --enable-x11grab option. Ubuntu comes with an ffmpeg version compiled with this option.

To check on your linux distro, type ffmpeg -version in a terminal and look for --enable-x11grab in the reported configuration info. [1]

If you are capturing the screen and using the X246 with audio settings and you get a crash as shown in the screen shot ...

... then consider creating a profile for audio capture where -acodec pcm_s16le is replaced by -acodec libvorbis -b 320k. See Configure Kdnelive.


Dette er til optagelse fra Blackmagics decklink videooptagelseskort (så vidt jeg ved). Jeg er ikke sikker på, hvor stabil denne funktion er i øjeblikket. Se fejlrapporten 2130.


  1. There are now two branches of ffmpeg: a Libav branch and an ffmpeg.org branch. The ffmpeg version from the latter branch reports the configuration when you run with ffmpeg -version. The Libav version does not. So this method to check for the --enable-x11grab does not work if you have the Libav version of ffmpeg.