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Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
Claus chr (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
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* [http://kstars.30doradus.org '''KStars''' Community Forums]
* [http://kstars.30doradus.org KStars-fællesskabets Forum]
* [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kstars-devel kstars-devel mailing list]
* [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kstars-devel kstars-devel postliste]
* [http://edu.kde.org/kstars/astroinfo.php AstroInfo project]
* [http://edu.kde.org/kstars/astroinfo.php AstroInfo projektet]
* [http://edu.kde.org/kstars/indi.php Telescope Control with '''KStars''']
* [http://edu.kde.org/kstars/indi.php Kontrollér et teleskop med KStars]
* [http://edu.kde.org/kstars/ccd.php CCD Control with '''KStars''']
* [http://edu.kde.org/kstars/ccd.php CCD-kontrol med KStars]
* [http://http://wiki.kde.org/indi Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface wiki page]
* [http://http://wiki.kde.org/indi Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface wiki-side]


Revision as of 16:48, 6 October 2010

Hjem » Programmer » Uddannelse » KStars

KStars er et kraftfuldt og intuitivt planetarium til skrivebordet. Det viser en nøjagtig grafisk gengivelse af nattehimlen set fra et hvilket som helst sted på jorden til ethvert tidspunkt. Udforsk stjernerne!

KStars er en del af KDE Edutainment Project.


KStars hjemmeside

Forfattere og udviklere

  • Jason Harris <kstars AT 30doradus DOT org> (oprindelig forfatter og nuværende vedligeholder)
  • Jasem Mutlaq
  • Pablo de Vicente
  • Heiko Evermann
  • Thomas Kabelmann
  • Mark Hollomon
  • Carsten Niehaus
  • Akarsh Simha


KStars er inkluderet i alle KDE SC udgivelser i modulet edu.kde.org Science.

Du kan også downloade det seneste KStars-arkiv, or take the plunge and try compiling from SVN.


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KStars is under continuous development by a small group of dedicated hobbyists. Here's our current TODO list.

Join Us

We are always looking for new members of the KStars team! Come help us make KStars the best desktop planetarium it can be. You can subscribe to our mailinglist to get involved. There's plenty to do for all skill levels and interests.

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Other *nix Astronomy programs you may be interested in:

Copyright and Licence

copyright © The KStars team, 2004-2009

KStars is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2.