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Dobro došli na KDE UserBase

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 13:05, 5 January 2011 by MirzaD (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Aplikacije")

Dom za KDE korisnike i entuzijaste

Kontaktirajte nas koristeći the Discussion tab ako želite da razgovarate o nečemu što ste primijetili, ili o nečemu što želite da vidite u UserBase-u.

An introduction to KDE

Uvod u KDE

Za više informacija o tome šta je KDE i slobodni softver, te gdje i kako početi posjetite KDE community and its software. Otkrijte šta je to UserBase i kako Vama može pomoći.

Traženje pomoći

Traženje pomoći

Treba Vam pomoć? Ovdje se nalaze prijedlozi za pronalaženje pomoći, kao i ideje o tome načinima poboljšanja kvaliteta odgovora koje nađete.



Discover the wide variety of applications from the KDE Community, and find out what program suits your needs and preferences.



How-To's, Tips & Tricks that can help make your KDE software experience more enjoyable and productive.

If you are willing to contribute, please read Tasks and Tools before starting. If you already contribute, check out Stats to see the top 10 contributors for the week, the most popular pages and most discussed pages.