Kexi/Håndbog/Grundlæggende om Kexi/Kexis hovedvindue

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Kexis hovedvindue

Værktøjslinjen med faneblade for oven giver adgang til almindelige handlinger og kommandoer.

Projektnavigatoren og Egenskabseditoren vises i felter på hver side af undervinduet. Drres størrelse kan ændres efter behov. Et felt kan skjules ved at klikke på det lille kryds øverst i feltet (lige under værktøjslinjen).

Databaseobjekter (tabeller, forespørgsler osv.) som findes i listen i Projektnavigatoren kan åbnes ved at klikke på deres navn (eller dobbeltklikke, afhængigt af dine globale indstillnger af KDE).

De vigtigste elementer i programmet

De vigtigste elementer i Kexis vindue er:

Værktøjslinjen med faneblade
Indeholder programmets tilgængelige kommandoer. Du finder detaljerede beskrivelser af enhver af disse kommandoer i appendikset.
Feltet Projektnavigator
Indeholder en liste over objekter (tabeller, forespørgsler, formularer, ...), som er lavet i det aktuelt åbnede databaseprojekt. Navigatoren har også en lille værktøjslinje med de nyttigste kommandore, som har med databaseobjekter at gøre.
Området for åbnede databaseobjekter i faneblade
Et centralt område i programmet, som optager det meste af skærmpladsen. I brugerfladetilstanden IDEAL indeholder det faneblade, som kan flyttes rundt imellem hinanden med vinduer, som altid er maksimerede. I underrammetilstand indeholdet det flydende vinduer.
Feltet Egenskabseditor
Indeholder en liste over egenskaber for dety aktuelt aktiverede databaseobjekt. For visse objekter (fx widgets i formularer) kan der være flere faneblade.

Værktøjslinjen med faneblade

The toolbar is the place that gives you access to most Kexi commands and actions. Using the the actions found in the different tabs on the toolbar you can:

  • Create / Open / Close Kexi projects
  • Create Database objects
  • Import / Export Data
  • Create widgets on your Forms
  • Create widgets on your Reports

Project Navigator pane

The Project Navigator pane is one of the most frequently used elements of the Kexi main window. The pane contains a list of all objects created within the currently opened Kexi database project. The objects are split into groups: tables, queries, forms, reports and scripts.

The Project Navigator pane also contains a small toolbar for most frequently used commands (from left to right): Open selected object, Design selected object, and Delete selected object.

For each object on the list a context menu is available using the right mouse button.

Double clicking with the left mouse button on the object's name on the list opens the object in Data View. If the object's window was already opened, the action just activates the window without switching it's view mode.


Even though your operating system or window manager may be set up to handle single clicks instead of double clicks, Kexi uses double clicks in Project Navigator to avoid accidentally opening large datasets or executing queries.

Opened database objects area / Tabbed Windows

Whenever you double click an object in the project navigator, it opens in the Opened database objects area. Each window has its own tab in Kexi.

You can rearrange the tabs by drag and drop and close them using the close tab button located at the far right of the tab strip.


Sometime later on there will be an option to detach tabs, creating somewhat something similar to an MDI interface. That could be useful for custom solutions or multiple displays.

Property Editor pane

In the Property Editor pane you can change properties of the object displayed in the active window. Depending on the context, the pane is consisted of one or more tabs. The first, always visible tab, Properties, contains the list of available properties.

Rules for using the Property Editor:

  • Each row contains a single property.
  • You can use the mouse or the keyboard to change values of particular properties.
  • Most frequently used types of property values are:
    • a number; you can enter the value directly or increase or decrease its value by clicking with the left mouse button on the arrows.
    • text
    • drop down list of values
    • Yes/No; you can toggle the value by clicking on the button; Yes (true) means that the button is toggled on, No (false) means that the button is toggled off.


* There is no need to confirm a changed value: changes are visible immediately after moving to a different row of the Property Editor's list or by pressing the Enter key.
  • Names of the recently changed properties that not yet were stored in the database are marked with bold text.
  • After changing the value of a property, a special Undo changes button appears on the right side of the Property Editor's list. By clicking it you can revert the value of the property to the original value that was loaded from the database upon opening the database object. The button is only visible when the property is actually highlighted.

The Property Editor pane is empty if:

  • no single database object's window is opened, or
  • the active database object's window does not offer properties; it is usually the case when it is opened in Data View instead of Design View.