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Kexi/Handbook/Configuring Kexi/Docking and undocking side panels/da

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 11:39, 19 June 2012 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Fastgøring og løsrivelse af sidepaneler

Sidepanelerne Projektnavigator og Egenskabseditor kan løsrives ved enten

  • at dobbeltklikke på titellinjen øverst i panelet eller
  • klikke en gang på den ruderformede knap øverst i panelet ved siden af x'et.

Når panelet er blevet revet løs, så kan det sættes tilbage i hovedvinduet igen på samme måde:

  • Double-clicking on the 'grip' bar at the top of the window; or
  • Clicking once on the diamond button at the top of the panel, next to the x.


When undocking a panel, Kexi remembers the last docked position so when you dock the panel again it will be placed at the location it was last docked.