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From KDE UserBase Wiki

Effects Categories

You can find screen shots describing 33 of the video effects here

The effects are divided into the following categories

  1. Alpha manipulation
  2. Audio
  3. Audio channels
  4. Audio Correction
  5. Blur and hide
  6. Colour
  7. Colour Correction
  8. Crop and transform
  9. Custom
  10. Distort
  11. Enhancement
  12. Fade
  13. Fun
  14. Misc
  15. Motion


Q: How to duplicate an effect to use similar settings somewhere else

A: Select your effect in the timeline, in effects stack widget choose "save", you get it available in "effects list" "custom" section

A: other solution: select a strip containing the effect, "Copy", then where you want to apply it again right-click and select "Paste effect" instead of "paste"

Q: How to apply an effect on several clips (all) at the same time?

A: You can select multiple clips with Shift+drag (left mouse button) around them. Then right click and group clips (or Ctrl+G)