The Context View
The power of Amarok is in the Context pane (in the center of the default Amarok window), where you can install various applets to help you enjoy and explore your music. Most of this additional information is obtained from the Internet, so a connection is important to get the most out of your Context pane. By default, three applets are preset: Current Track, Lyrics and Wikipedia.
Default layout
The default Context pane shows the following items: CurrentTrack, Analyzer, Wikipedia and Lyrics. Depending on the screen size the Lyrics might not be visible, but clicking on the button at the bottom will make it visible. When nothing is playing, the CurrentTrack applet will show the last played tracks and information about the Local Collection

Customizing the Context pane
At the bottom of the Context pane are three buttons for the default applets. On the right of these buttons you see , clicking on it will show
allowing you to remove these applets. Click the applets to add them to the pane. Drag the labeled buttons to re-order the applets you have, and click
again to save your selections.
This makes the Context pane extremely flexible, maximizing the possibility of a custom display that fits your preferences. More here.