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Revision as of 10:26, 11 February 2020 by Ezequias Santos (talk | contribs)
Konsole é o emulador de terminal para a plataforma KDE

Visão Geral dos Recursos

  • Emulador de Terminal X
  • Faz com o uso da linha de comando mais fácil
  • Usa perfis diferentes, para tarefas diferentes
  • Coloca um limite na rolagem para voltar e salve conteúdo em arquivo
  • Clique com o botão direito em links para abrir no navegador padrão do usuário
  • Abre o caminho atual do gerenciador de arquivos do usuário
  • Fundo translúcido disponível quando os efeitos da área de trabalho estão ativados
  • O valor único da variável do ambiente SHELL_SESSION_ID se mantêm através de todas as sessões

Konsole is an X terminal emulator for the KDE platform, allowing users to have a convenient way to use the command line. Aside from providing a way to use a powerful shell, Konsole also offers features that make it easier or more pleasurable to work in the command line, such as profile management, scrollback, and color schemes, including translucency for effects.

Konsole also provides an embedded KPart terminal which is used by apps such as Yakuake, Dolphin, and Kate, giving users a consistent and familiar interface when working in the command line.

Tutoriais e Dicas


With Konsole you can change the language to plain English (to see bugs info for example) by command:

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8


  • Switch tab: Shift + Left, Shift + Right (not like X-Chat, Firefox, Quanta, Kdevelop).


Quanta and Kdevelop use Alt + Left, Alt + Right. However, Shift + Direction has the advantage of being reachable with one hand on virtually all keyboard layouts, while Alt keys are sometimes only on the left of the keyboard (e.g. in Germany).
  • New tab: Shift + Ctrl + T.

Rotule suas Abas

Clique Duplo para Renomear a Aba

If you regularly use a lot of tabs, you'll sometimes find it convenient to label them. Just double-click on the tab and you'll get a re-name dialogue.

Gerenciamento de Perfil

  • To add a new profile go to Settings -> Profile Management -> New Profile
  • On the General tab, enter the new profile name and change the icon if desired.
  • If this is to be a root konsole, enter the command /bin/su -


This command will not work on any distro that uses sudo (like Ubuntu). On such distributions use:
sudo su
or just prepend all your commands that requires superuser privileges with sudo.
  • Font size can also be changed on the Appearance tab.

Editing a profile
  • On the Manage Profiles screen you can add or remove a star, which controls whether that profile is to be offered on the File menu.


You can change the padding between the border and the contents of Konsole (the "margin" or "gutters" between window border and text) by editing your profile file in .local/share/konsole/[name of profile] and adding:


The number after "TerminalMargin" can be edited to whatever size you prefer. After that you need to log out and then log in to show the changes.

Per Konsole tab Bash history

If you want each Konsole tab to remember its own individual bash history, and restore it with the session after a reboot or log out/in, add the following line in your ~/.bashrc:


Sites Relacionados

Ajuda com Desenvolvimento

If you are interested in helping with Konsole's development, check out how to help the Konsole team.


Terminal emulator, command line, CLI, shell