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From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 09:44, 19 September 2010 by Caig (talk | contribs) (Created page with '300px|thumb|center|Fonti di immagini del giorno')

Oggetto Cornice immagine

Oggetto Cornice immagine: mostra una singola immagine o una presentazione sul Plasma Desktop

Immagine del giorno di Wikimedia

Widgets commonly start by asking you to pick your desired settings. This choice for the widget works from the widget settings menu, but you can drag-and-drop a picture file or a folder of photos to set it, too.

Vista iniziale dell'oggetto

Choose a Source

  • Single image from any folder on your computer
  • Slideshow from folder(s) of images on your computer
  • Picture of the Day
Tre tipi di immagini

Picture of the Day Sources

  • Flickr Picture of the Day
  • Operational Significant Event Imagery Picture of the Day
  • APOD - Astronomy Picture of the Day from NASA
  • Earth Science Picture of the Day
  • Wikimedia Picture of the Day
Fonti di immagini del giorno