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Revision as of 12:15, 31 December 2010 by IulianB (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Aceasta este aplicaţia pe care majoritatea oamenilor o va întâlni prima dată. * Cu un singur fişier evidenţiat vei fi întrebat dacă vrei să extragi acel fişier sau toat...")
Ark este o aplicaţie de a gestiona arhive ale fişierelor


Ark îţi permite să

  • Creezi o arhivă comprimată
  • Vizualizezi conţinuturile unui fişier arhivă
  • Extragi conţinuturile unei arhive la un director ales de tine.

Poate manevra multe formate,inclusiv tar,gzip, bzip2, zip, rar şi 7z.

Crearea unei Arhive

  • Fişierele pot fi adăugate pentru a forma arhiva folosing meniul de acţiuni
  • Alternativ, fişierele pot fi trase de la o fereastră Konqueror sau Dolphin în fereastra principală Ark
  • De asemenea in meniul de Acţiuni există Add Folder care poate duce un întreg director în arhivă
  • Fişierele pot fi adăugate oricând la o arhivă salvată .

Extragerea fişierelor

Aceasta este aplicaţia pe care majoritatea oamenilor o va întâlni prima dată.

  • Cu un singur fişier evidenţiat vei fi întrebat dacă vrei să extragi acel fişier sau toate fişierele.
  • Arhiva rămâne completă iar fişierul pe care l-ai selectat este plasat în directorul ales de tine.

The way that extracting works has changed in recent versions, so may feel strange to someone recently working with KDE3. There are two ways that you can control the Extraction.

  • When viewing the archive within Ark, use Extract button on the toolbar or Ctrl-E . This gives you a navigable tree where you can select your destination.
  • When viewing the archive in Dolphin, right click on it and you will get three options:
    • Extract here, Autodetect Subfolder
    • Extract to....
    • Extract here.
  • The second option works the same as Ctrl-E within Ark.
  • The third option does exactly what it says - if no folder is defined within the archive, all the extracted files will end up in the current directory. If the archive does contain a folder, then a folder will be created under the current folder, and all files extracted into that folder.
  • The first option is similar to the third one, but when no folder is defined within the archive, Ark will create one, then all files extracted into that folder. If, for instance, your archive is called Patterns.zip and it contains all the designs, you would end up with a structure like ~/Patterns/design1 etc.

Working with Files

  • Very often an archive will contain a README or some other instruction file. It is often useful to be able to preview that file before starting work with the archive. Double click any file in archive will open preview.
  • It may be that one file in an archive becomes irrelevant. The file can be deleted within the archive.
  • In the KDE3 version it is possible to Open with any suitable application
  • It is also possible, in the KDE3 version, to Edit with an application.

(These two features are not available in the KDE SC 4 version yet)

External links