Kexi/Håndbog/Byg en enkel database/Design af formularer/Formularer versus tabeller
Formularer versus tabeller
I kapitlet Skriv data ind i tabeller lærte du om, hvordan man skrider data ind i tabeller ved at bruge dataarksvisningen. I mange tilfælde er formularer dog bedre egnede til indtastning af data:
- A table can contain too many columns to display them on your screen. A form can display such a data using multiple rows.
- A form allows to visually split data fields into logical groups, thus increasing readability. Labels with additional information can be inserted to give users more hints on how to use the form or what given data fields mean.
- Command buttons can be used within forms for commonly used commands so users can use forms in a similar way as a standalone applications they know.
In data sheet view displaying multi-row data text fields or images is as easy as within forms.