Brug af GMail

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Revision as of 13:40, 20 October 2012 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)


Disse instruktioner gælder kun for udgaver af kdepim og KOrganizer fra version 4.3.7 og nyere. Der er betydelige forskelle til de ældre versioner, så nogle instruktioner virker måske ikke.


For at illustrere, hvordan tingene virker synkroniseres der i denne manual med Google-kontoen [email protected]


Denne vejledning hjælper dig med at opsætte videresendelse via IMAP fra en GMail konto til KMail, som kan tilgås fra Kontact.

Videresendelse af indkommende mail (IMAP forbindelse)

Først skal du åbne Kontact. Du kan starte det ved blot at skrive dets navn i søgelinjen. Når Kontakt er startet klikker på E-mail i den lodrette navigationslinje til venstre. Dette fører dig til KMail-delen af Kontact. For at opsætte indstillingerne for fremsendelse skal du gå til: Indstillinger -> Indstil KMail....

Først skal du oprette en identitet, sådan at du kan adskille forskellige forskellige konti, hvis du får mere end en.

Opsætning af en ny identitet i Kmail.
Konfiguration af den nye identitet.

Gå dernæst til gruppen Konti i navigationslisten til venstre. Her kan du konfigurere konti til indkommende og udgående e-mail.

Opsætning til at sende og modtage breve.

Opsætning af indkommende e-mail:

Klik på Tilføj, sørg for, at IMAP e-mail-server er valgt og klik O.k.. Herefter dukker to vinduer op med mulighed for integration med tjenesten KDE Wallet. For nemheds skyld kan du vælge tilvalget Altid.

Tilføj dennye IMAP-konto.
Indstilling af KDE Wallet.

Now it is time to configure the incoming connection. Name your account Name whatever you want. Now, enter as the IMAP server Your Username is your email account, in this case mine is [email protected]. The Password is the password of your Gmail account.

Next, go to the Advancedtab, and ensure that it is connected on Port 993 with the SSL/TLS radio button left on. As for authentication, according to the KMail documentation, DIGEST-MD5 encryption is recommended, however for now Google’s IMAP server does not support any of this, so cleartext must be selected.

Click OK. Another KDE Wallet prompt should show up, and for convenience, you can select the Allow Always option.

To check your emails, find the Inbox of your newly setup account, in this case, Gmail Incoming, and press F5 to refresh and download new emails from the server.

Outgoing Mail Setup (SMTP Connection)

To setup an outgoing connection, similar steps must be taken to add the new connection, which is treated as a new account by Kmail. Open up the Kmail Configuration window, and go to the Accounts area in the left navigation bar. Instead of using the Receiving Tab, which was used to setup the incoming (IMAP) connection switch to the Sending tab now.

Now, click on Add... and select the SMTP option and click OK. Afterwards, a Configure Account window will appear. The following details are needed by Kontact.

Outgoing mail server: (Check the Server requires authentication button)
Login: Your Gmail account. Here. it's "[email protected]"
Password: Your Gmail password.

For convenience, check the Store SMTP password option. Now, go to the Advanced Tab of the window and enter the following information.

Encryption: SSL
Port: 465
Authentication: PLAIN

When sending your first email from Kontact, you will need to save the information in KDE Wallet once so it won’t have to be used later.

GIF Animation


Click the image below to watch the GIF Animation which displays this process in sequence for convenience

Congratulations, now you can fully send and receive mail through Kontact!