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Kdenlive/Руководство/Проблемы в Windows

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Revision as of 22:48, 21 February 2019 by Smolyaninov (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Получите доступ к папке '''Appdata''', (нажмите <keycap>Win+R</keycap> и введите заглавными буквами '''APPDATA'''). Пер...")

Проблемы в Windows

В текущий версии Kdenlive в Windows® (январь 2019 г., версия 18.12.1) имеется несколько проблем, для решения которых существуют обходные пути. Цель этой страницы - документировать как сами проблемы, так и способы их обхода.

Проблема с Воспроизведением/Паузой

Эта проблема решена начиная с версии Windows 18.08.2 (30 октября 2018 года). Для получения текущей версии, нажмите: 18.12.1.

Сбой Qt во время сборки

При переходе из kdenlive для Windows 17.12 -> 18.04/18.08 во время сборки происходит сбой Qt. Для избежания этой проблемы, отредактируйте файл kdenliverc в appdata. Чтобы получить доступ к данным приложения, нажмите Win+R (клавишу Windows и клавишу R одновременно) и введите APPDATA (все буквы заглавные). Перейдите в local и внутри папки переименуйте kdenliverc в kdenliverc.old.

Любая критическая ошибка

Здесь описан процесс переустановки Kdenlive в Windows®.

Во-первых, удалите папку c Kdenlive (Содержащую приложение)

Получите доступ к папке Appdata, (нажмите Win+R и введите заглавными буквами APPDATA). Перейдите в local и найдите папку kdenlive.


If you have any saved effects or clips stored in your library, make a backup of the library folder.

Then once you have backup up your library folder, delete the kdenlive folder.

Reinstall the latest version of Kdenlive from https://kdenlive.org/en/download/

Kdenlive cannot be deleted, running process on exit

This issue is solved with the latest Windows version 18.12.1. To get this version click on: 18.12.1.

If you want to reinstall Kdenlive or re-run ""Kdenlive"", it may tell you "The file or folder is open in another program". Windows® then won't let you delete or re-run Kdenlive.

To fix this you have to kill the running process: press and hold Ctrl + Shift + Esc & expand the task manager by clicking all details. Then find kdenlive.exe & dbus-daemon.exe, and click End task for both of them.

Or download the File:Kdenlive-kill.zip. Unpack it and just double-click the batch file which kills all running Kdenlive processes.

Kdenlive cannot be uninstalled

If the uninstaller doesn't work you can delete following folder: C:\Program Files\kdenlive . You have to manually delete in the start menu the Kdenlive folder.

"Clip is invalid, will be removed"

This bug can appear if you do a clean reinstall of Kdenlive (see above). Simply close and open Kdenlive once, and it should be fixed.

If this is not solving the problem follow these instructions.

Kdenlive crash or green Monitor

Get all newest Windows® updates. Afterwards, update your graphic card driver and your printer driver. Some crashes could occur of incompatibility of the graphics card with the newest Windows® updates. After you have updated the drivers re-start the computer and try again by starting kdenlive.exe.

If this is not solving the problem switch your standard printer to “Microsoft XPS Document Writer” and try again to start Kdenlive.

Delete the “Kdenliverc” file as descript here under Qt rendering crash

Make sure you set processing thread to 1: CTRL+SHIFT+, (comma) -> environment -> Processing thread -> set to 1

General Issues

The current Kdenlive version (November 2018, version 18.08.3) has a few issues that have workarounds.

Audio Pops and Ticks in Render

If this problem appears make sure the audio file is: 16-bit PCM WAV.