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Testing Archives

Archive_Test1 - begins a set of pages for testing the effects of moving pages to the Archive namespace

Results noted:

  • If a page is archived with a redirect in place, the page name survives, and the page automatically redirects.
  • Any links in such a page continue to be blue (active) links.
  • Because the original page name survives, it will always be counted in any DPL report.
  • When a page is archived without a redirect the page name is freed up, appears entirely as an empty page, reusable as any other empty page.
  • Any page that previously linked to it will see a red (empty page) link.
  • The link from the original page is therefore broken and it will be necessary to guess the URL or search for it.
  • Where pages are not likely to be needed much in future, such as the old-style translations, the advantage is that the pages that have been archived can easily be excluded from reports, giving more accurate results.
  • __NOINDEX__ on the page suppresses search spider visits and results in a new category, Category:Noindexed pages
  • Category:Noindexed pages is strange, though, as only one of this set of pages is included, yet all four bear the category statement.

Subpages of User:Annew


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