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Udvikling af Konsole

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 07:35, 13 February 2011 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Generel information

Alle kan hjælpe, hvis de har tid. Der kræves intet kendskab til programmeringssprog og der skal ikke installeres specielle programmer. Hvis du blot kører KDE, så kan du hjælpe. Det er mest nyttigt, hvis du kører den seneste version af KDE. Den findes ofte i distributionsarkiverne "unstable" eller "bleeding-edge". Det er også en god hjælp at installere KDE med debugging-symboler, som er en hjælp, hvis programmet går ned, selvom det får dit system til at køre langsommere.

For nogle af de nedenstående kategorier behøver du ikke at installere KDE's kildekode på dit system.

Se også den generelle side om at bidrage til KDE.

  • KDE versions: It would be best to have KDE 4.6.x installed. You can use KDE 4.5.4; however, KDE 4.4.x is too old and has too many bugs that have been fixed.
  • Git: In Feb, 2011, konsole now has its own repository. It is now much easier to download and look at the code.

To keep up with bug reports and general info join the Konsole mailing list. You can reach me at kurt dot hindenburg at gmail.com, as well as on IRC #kde-devel as khindenburg.

Bug Reports

  • Confirm bug reports - search for unconfirmed bugs and test them on your system. If you can duplicate the bug, mark it as 'New' and/or leave a comment with your findings.
  • Find duplicate reports - search all of Konsole's bugs and wishlist reports for duplicates. If you find a possible duplicate, leave a comment on the bug such as "possible duplicate of bug #####'.
  • Narrow down the steps required to display a bug or crash - Often times, the bug reporter may not fully explain or understand how they got the bug or crash. It is extremely helpful when tracking down issues if there is a step by step process that triggers the issue everytime. If you can reproduce the issue repeatedly, comment on the bug report the exact steps required to trigger it.


  • Verify the menus and their shortcuts are valid.
  • Verify all the other information is valid.
  • Read through it for areas that need clarified or expanded on.

Userbase Site

  • Verify the Konsole site has the correct info.
  • Expanding the site with more tips and documentation.

More to follow