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新生的 KAddressBook 让所有的程序都能访问你的数据。


KAddressBook 是个开发中的程序。这并不意味着它不够稳定,意思是它还没有完成。这个版本你看到的布局与老版本相比有很大的区别,很有可能下个版本再次做变动,如同我们看到更多新特性再次增加的。


Automatic Migration

If you have previously been using KAddressBook you are probably aware that it was stored in ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc/std.vcf. When you install KDE SC 4.4 the automatic migration tool will examine that file and set up an Akonadi resource using the data that it contains. However, you may find that a number of other things need checking. As this is entirely new technology, the distributions may not have been able to set up everything to perfection.

Initial Requirements

Nepomuk must be running. Open SystemSettings > Advanced tab > Desktop search and enable Nepomuk. Strigi may be too heavy on resources if your hardware struggles, but enabling Strigi is optional. Turn it off if it gives you problems, though lack of indexing will necessarily impact the extent to which Nepomuk can work. MySQL must be working. This has been problematic on some distributions. If you have problems you will probably benefit from reading this Troubleshooting page.

Enabling Resources

Again, your distribution may have already done this for you, but check SystemSettings > Advanced tab > KDE Resources. Make sure that the resources listed there are enabled, then use the 'Set as Standard' button on 'akonadi-resource Personal'. This will make the Personal Contacts addressbook available to KMail.


你自个系统中的资源可能跟这里截图中看到的不一样 - 没关系的。个人联系人(Personal Contacts)是 KAddressBook 和 KMail 协同工作重要的一部分(is the one of importance for working with KAddressBook and KMail)。

KDE SC 4.5 中,路径稍微有些不同但过程是一样的。「系统设置」被重新设计,「KDE 资源」现在是在「个人信息(Personal Information)」中。


通讯组列表(Distribution Lists) - 用于你现有的通讯组列表的迁移工具还没发布。它现在还处于未完成状态。在适当情况下,你可以创建新「组」 - 「组」会取代「通讯组列表」。自动补全使得在「组」中添加新条目非常容易。在 KDE SC <= 4.4.2 中,你还不能像用「通讯组列表」那样用「组」,键入名字,指望它展开成名字列表。不过,你可以从右侧面板上复制、粘贴名字列表。这并非最终功能,只是当下的变通。 更新 - 对于 KDE SC 4.4.3,KAddressBook 的「联系人组」(Contact Groups)别名扩展(alias expansion)已经回滚了。然而仍旧没法在邮件收信人选择框中选定「联系人组」。

不可见域(Invisible fields) - 一些用户因为有些域的信息当前不可见而担心。如果你检查~/.local/share/contacts/中的记录,你会看到数据并没有丢失。期待在下一版能再次访问这些数据,使其可见。


Akonadi_and_AddressBook页面有助于你理解 KAddressBook 的结构,你可以备份所有你想要的数据。


随 KDE SC 4.4 一同发布的版本汇报了许多常见的'初期问题(teething problems)'。之中很多问题随着4.4.1版本的发布消失了,但如果你还是遇到错误信息,Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting有方法解决很多问题。