Translations:Taking Screenshots/4/zh-cn
- 如果不是中文截图,请把语言设为英语
- 把图片存为 PNG 格式
- 最好使用默认设置(图标、配色、风格、窗口、应用设置等等)
- Preferably, use compositing (Desktop Effects module in 系统设置),如果你的显卡不支持 but don't worry if your graphics card does not support compositing.
- Preferably, use font "Liberation Sans" at 9pt.
- If the screenshot shows parts of the desktop, preferably use the default background of plasma. Include a margin (around 20 pixels) if possible, to ensure that window shadows don't look cropped.
- If you are preparing a localized screenshot, use the same name as the original English one, with the language-code (the same as you will see on the page address) appended.
- If the screenshot is to update an existing one, use exactly the same name so that the update happens automatically.