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Amarok/Manual/Organisering/Scanning af samling

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Revision as of 16:55, 26 November 2011 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Scanning af samling

Hver gang Amarok fremviser en samling, så skal information om spor og albummer hentes fra en kilde. Kilden kan være en mobil enhed, en internettjeneste eller en database. For spor, som er gemt i filsystemet bruger Amarok en database for at få hurtig tilgang til den nødvendige metainformation. Først skal denne information importeres til databasen, hvilket sædvanligvis foregår ved at scanne mapperne i samlingen for lydfiler. Denne proces kaldes scanning af samlingen.

Det er en nyttigt at kunne forstå scanningsprocessen for at kunne arbejde bedre med Amarok.

Løbende scanning / Opdatér samling

Den såkaldte løbende scanning vil tjekke mapperne i samlingen for opdateringer. Dette gøres som regel en gang i minuttet, men kan også udløses manuelt ved at vælge Opdatér samling fra menuen.

Den løbende scanning vil blot tjekke datoen for seneste ændring for hver mappe i samlingen og sammenligne med tidspunktet for den seneste kendte ændring. Dette har nogle implikationer:

  • Du kan udløse en genscanning af en mappe ved at modificere dens tid (for eksempel ved at bruge touch i konsollen).
  • Hvis filer i en mappe ændres, så opdager scanneren det ikke, da ændring af en fil kun opdatere den tidsstempel men ikke dens mappes tidsstempel.
  • Hvis mapperne i samlingenbefinder sig på en meget langsom partition, så kan processen med at tjekke alle modifikationstide tage nogen tid. Sædvanligvis mellemlagres denne information af operativsystemet, men ved større samlinger er dette måske ikke muligt. I et sådant tilfælde kan det virke som om scanneren arbejder hele tiden. Med samlinger på over 5000 spor eller hvis samlingen gemmes på et netværk eller en NTFS-partition, så anbefales det at slå tilvalget Overvåg mappe for ændringer fra.

Hvis du har problemer med at slettede spor stadig optræder i samlingen eller du ønsker at opdatere albumomslag (som ikke opdateres blot ved "Opdatér samling"), så kan du bruge tilvalget Fuld genscanning i indstillingsdialogen. Full rescan vil ikke tage hensyn til ændringsdatoer. Den vil ikke slette din statistik, men den vil genoprette vurdering og afspilningstælling, hvis de gemmes i filen.

Fremskridtslinjen / scanningstid

Fremgangslinjen vil vise, hvor langt scanningen er nået. Op til 50% vil scanneren scanne filsystemet og blot mellemlagre resultatet. Tider over 50% indikerer, at scanneren overfører resultatet til databasen. Sor regel er det sidste skridt meget hurtigere end det første, så bliv ikke overrasket, hvis fremgangslinjes synet at sprobge. Op til 50% kan du afbryde scanningen. Efter 50% kan du ikke stoppe overførslen til databasen.

The scanning time depends on your disk speed and other factors. Usually the first scan is a lot slower than subsequent scans where the files are cached by the operating system. A scan of 10000 files should take around three minutes on a modern computer. 50000 files should be around 13 minutes.

Backup of collection

With the default settings Amarok is storing all the collection information in a directory called ~.kde/share/apps/amarok/mysqle/ . It can be a good idea to make a backup of this directory from time to time, especially when you didn't enable the writing back of statistics information.

About unique ids

Amarok is tracking files by an id that is either stored in the audio track or computed by the artist, album title and track title meta information. This id helps Amarok to identify tracks that are moved to other locations so that statistics informations (rating, score, playcount) are not lost. Currently Amarok will not import tracks with duplicate unique ids. This leads to the surprising behavior that copied tracks still appear only once in Amarok.

In some circumstances even different tracks can end up with the same unique id. That is very uncommon and usually the result of running years of unstable Amarok releases. Such a problem can be seen by the debug output (start Amarok with the --debug option) while scanning.

If you are using 2.4 beta you might run into a case where most of the collection is not imported. This can be easily seen by the failing sql commands in the debug output. In such a case just use 2.4 final.

About Albums

The scanner can only read single tracks but Amarok will display those sorted by album and compilation (an album without one specific artist). Amarok can't rely on the directory in which the files are located, since directory organizational schemes vary so widely.

The scanner is therefore doing the following:

  • Tracks without an album artist or an artist (or a composer in case of a classical track) are placed in a compilation.
  • Tracks that have the compilation flag set or an album artist other than "various artists" will be placed in an album.
  • Tracks that have the compilation flag set to 0 are placed in a compilation.
  • Albums called "Live", "Greatest Hits" and a couple of other names are always regarded as an album.
  • If we end up having tracks with several different artists left over they are placed inside a compilation, or else we make one album out of them.

This process is quite complicated. However usually the outputs of the scanner can help in figuring out why the tracks are sorted as they are.

In such a case try executing (on a command line)

amarokcollectionscanner -r ~/Music/directory

Look for "compilation" tags and tracks with different "artist" and "albumartist" tags.

You can remove the tag from mp3 files with the following command:

id3v2 -r TCMP your fileename here