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Kexi/Handbook/Configuring Kexi/Docking and undocking side panels/da

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 11:39, 19 June 2012 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Fastgøring og løsrivelse af sidepaneler

Sidepanelerne Projektnavigator og Egenskabseditor kan løsrives ved enten

  • at dobbeltklikke på titellinjen øverst i panelet eller
  • Clicking once on the diamond button at the top of the panel, next to the x.

Once undocked, panel windows may be docked into the main window again similarly to undocking:

  • Double-clicking on the 'grip' bar at the top of the window; or
  • Clicking once on the diamond button at the top of the panel, next to the x.


When undocking a panel, Kexi remembers the last docked position so when you dock the panel again it will be placed at the location it was last docked.