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Kdenlive/Руководство/Проекты и файлы

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 15:28, 25 October 2012 by Bushuev (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Как уже отмечалось в Быстрый старт, Мы предлагаем испол...")


  • Project profile vs. Render profile: What is the difference, how to chose correctly?

Управление файлами проекта

  1. Дерево проекта
  2. Содержимое файла проекта
  3. Настройки
  4. Комментирование
  5. Архивирование
  6. Резервное копирование
  7. Клипы

Файловая структура

Как уже отмечалось в Быстрый старт, Мы предлагаем использовать разные папки для каждого проекта. Kdenlive будет генерировать следующие папки для кэширования в папке проекта:

  • ladspa/ for the LADSPA xml effect files, not used anymore since Kdenlive 0.8.2
  • thumbs/ for thumbnails to all used clips
  • titles/ default location for the titles saved outside the project file

These directories can be deleted if not required anymore (for example for saving space on the harddrive). Kdenlive will create them again when you load the project the next time.


The titles/ directory is the default directory for saved .kdenlivetitle title files. Make sure that you did not save any important files in there before deleting it.

Source clips can be located anywhere. Still, here are some thoughts about their location:

  • Material (images, clips, audio) that is used for one project only can be put into a subdirectory of the project folder as well. This keeps all important files together, and searching for the files takes less time.
  • Material that is used by multiple projects are convenient when kept together. I’ve got a video collection the same way that I have a photo collection.