Homerun, un llançador del KDE
Homerun és un llançador de pantalla completa amb el contingut organitzat en pestanyes. Una pestanya està organitzada de diverses "fonts". Una font pot proveir una o més seccions en una pestanya. Homerun vé amb unes fonts integrades, però es poden escriure de noves utilitzant «libhomerun».
Application launcher
Homerun can browse your installed applications and start them or add them to the
favorite list to be able to quickly start them from the homepage.
Document hierarchy browser
Homerun lists your favorite places and let you browse them: clicking an item
from the "Favorite Places" section will list the content of this folder, making
it possible for you to navigate your folders to open a document without having
to use a file manager.
Running as a containment
Homerun can be used from a launcher button in a panel (like Kickoff), or
as a containment (like the Search and Launch containment).
External Links