Wiki Team Page
UserBase Wiki Team
Notes from the Akademy BOF
- New welcome page! I have started it in my "personal" space - everyone can edit.
- A new Introduction to new contributors - should be short and focus on the bare essentials; how to get an account, how to get in contact, a few things to avoid when editing existing pages, links to detailed info.
- The existing help pages needs cleanup and restructuring.
Use [[Category:New page]] at the bottom of any page that we are currently working on (wheather it is a new page or an old page under revision. When the work is done change [[Category:New page]] to [[Category:Good page]] (it won't be displayed on the actual page - it is just there to help us keep track of our work.
Plan of attack:
- Plasma pages - at least the general stuff.
- Create pages for missing applications -- at least short description, logo, screenshot and links. Details can come later.
- Existing application pages - make sure basic info is up to date, links working. Determine if content needs rewriting