Digikam/Tjek database
Tjek og optimér digiKams database
Fra Dmitri Popovs blog, 19. December 2011
By default, digiKam uses two SQLite databases for storing essential data: digikam4.db and thumbnails-digikam.db. And to make the application run fast and smoothly, it’s a good idea to check and optimize the databases every now and then. To do this on Ubuntu or its derivatives, you need to install the sqlite3 package using the sudo apt-get install sqlite3
command. Once you’ve done that, back up the digikam4.db and thumbnails-digikam.db databases. Open then the terminal and switch to the directory where the databases are stored. First off, you should check the integrity of both databases using the following commands:
sqlite3 -line digikam4.db 'pragma integrity_check;' sqlite3 -line thumbnails-digikam.db 'pragma integrity_check;'
Hvis begge databaser er i orden, så skulle du få beskeden
integrity_check = ok
For a optimisere databeserne skal du køre følgende to kommandoer:
1-sqlite3 -line digikam4.db 'vacuum;' sqlite3 -line thumbnails-digikam.db 'vacuum;'
Kør så integritetstjekket igen for at sikre dig, at alting virker korrekt; så er du færdig.