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From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 18:41, 25 October 2010 by Annew (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Zdroje informácií")

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Úvod do KDE

Úvod do KDE

Základné informácie o KDE spoločenstvom a jeho softvér a návody, čo Vám pomôžu začať. Dozviete sa tiež o tom, čo je UserBase av čom Vám môže byť nápomocná.

Zdroje informácií

Zdroje informácií

Need some help? Here are some suggested places where you can get help with problems, as well some hints on how to improve the quality of answers you receive.



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How-To's, Tips & Tricks that can help make your KDE software experience more enjoyable and productive.

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