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Configure your desktop/ru

From KDE UserBase Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Configure your desktop and the translation is 18% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Configuring your desktop has changed a lot between KDE 3.5 and KDE 4 and 5. For those updating, a bit of explanation is needed.


You can configure your desktop by right-clicking the desktop and selecting Configure Desktop or pressing Alt-D , Alt-S.

In older versions of Plasma it was possible to edit the right-click menu and remove the Configure Desktop item and its keyboard shortcut. If that happened, and you want your Configure Desktop item back this is what you do:

In a terminal run

kate ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc

and under section [ActionPlugins][0][RightButton;NoModifier] make sure these lines are present:

configure shortcuts=true
After relogin, Configure Desktop is visible again.


Задача: поместить иконки на рабочий стол (например: "посмотреть телевизор" или "игра pingus")


  • в KDE 3.5, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши и выберите "Создать ссылку на приложение"
  • в KDE 4 это делается сложнее:
    • the "Desktop folder" approach
      • запустите Konqueror, выберите Помощь -> О KDE. Убедитесь что установленная версия не меньше чем KDE 4.2.
      • кликните правой кнопкой мыши по рабочему столу, выберите Настройки рабочего стола -> Тип -> Просмотр папки
      • в версии 4.5 это стало называться Настроить рабочий стол -> Activity -> Тип -> Просмотр папки
      • кликните правой кнопкой мыши на рабочем столе и выберите Создать -> Ссылка на приложение...
    • подход, основанный на перетаскивании
      • Откройте файловый менеджер и перетащите необходимый файл. Он появится в виде иконки.


Let's assume you want an icon on your desktop that starts Konqueror:

  • find out where the executable is located
    • start a konsole by Alt + F2 and then typing
    • type
      which konqueror
      let's assume the response is
    • point your konqueror to where you can find your executable, in this case /usr/local/bin
    • drag-and-drop konqueror onto your desktop

Now you can start konqueror by clicking onto the konqueror icon on your desktop


Your desktop is now based on Plasma. This makes it possible to run widgets (sometimes referred to as plasmoids) on it, e.g. a clock that docks directly to your desktop and is not surrounded by a border. To add the "clock" widget, right-click onto your desktop and choose Add widget.... E.g. choose the Analog Clock Widget there.

Rearrange your Panel

Most of us are creatures of habit, and like our panel to show icons in a familiar order. Plasma appears to drop icons in a random order, but you can re-arrange them as long as you have KDE 4.1 or later. If you have the Panel Controller (which looks like a Cashew in a semi-circle) on the right hand edge of your panel, you can re-order or change the size and justification of the panel. See Can I move the applets on the panel?

Many more such hints are on the Plasma FAQ pages.

Access your files on a remote desktop

Under KDE3, if you had an fstab mount to a remote directory you got an icon on your desktop. This doesn't happen in KDE4, but there's an even better way to reach your files.

Create a folderview (right-click on desktop, Add Widgets -> Folderview). It will be pointing to your home directory by default, but click on the spanner on the handle, to get properties, and you can direct it to open in your remote home. If you keep your folder fairly small you'll be able to scroll down to the exact directory you need, and open it in Konqueror (which in some versions seems to be the default for remote directories. It may well be that this can be changed, too.)

More than one File Manager

Everything mentioned as possible in Konqueror can also be done in Dolphin. At first glance you might think Dolphin lacks features, but read the pages linked from the Dolphin page to learn the new features that make it so powerful.