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Pending Deletion

This page has been proposed for deletion for the following reason:
KWord has been superseded by Calligra Words.
Please use the discussion section of this page to voice your opinion on this.

Detailed Guides: More than just text


Up to this point in the documentation, we have been focusing on text. That is about to change!

This chapter will discuss inserting a table of contents, graphics, page numbers, links to web pages and how to insert other types of KOffice data into a document.

This chapter will also cover document information and its relationship to document variables.

Entering Document information

KWord can store information about the author and the document in the same file as the text and data of the document.

Entering this information into KWord has two potential benefits:

1. This information will always be available for reference. This is especially important in situations where there are many possible authors (employees) and hundreds (or thousands) of documents.
2. The information supplied here, can be inserted automatically into the document as a document variable.

To enter document information, simply select File->Document Information... from the menubar. This will bring up a dialog box with two tabs.

The first tab is labeled General. Enter a document Title, Subject lines, Keywords and an Abstract.

The bottom of this page displays the Type of the document, the date of the creation and modification, the last printing date, the Total editing time and the Revision number. Click on Reset to clear all data and set the actual date as creation date.

Both the document Title and the Abstract can be accessed through document variables.

The second tab is labeled Author and has blanks to enter the authors Name, Initials, Title, Position, Company and contact information (email address, telephone numbers and physical address).

Every value entered in this dialog can be inserted as a document variables.

At the bottom of the dialog is a button labeled Load From Address Book. Clicking on this button will automatically insert your information contained in the KDE address book into this KWord document information dialog.

You must inform the KDE address book which entry corresponds to your information.
To do this, open the KDE address book, select the entry that contains your name and address. Now select Edit->Set as Personal Contact Data from the menubar in the KDE address book. This only needs to be performed once.

KWord will now insert the entered information when the Load From Address Book button is clicked.

The second button Delete Personal Data allows you to remove all data of the entries on this page.

When finished entering the information, click OK to apply the changes. If any document variables were changed, KWord will update their values throughout the document.

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