Search results
- ==KOrganizer: Importing Data== '''KOrganizer''' supports the two dominant standards for storing and exchanging calendar ...810 bytes (112 words) - 14:30, 6 September 2020
- ==KOrganizer: Importing Data== <!--T:1--> '''KOrganizer''' supports the two dominant standards for storing and exchanging calendar ...998 bytes (141 words) - 12:08, 10 November 2023
- |[[Image:Korg-kde4.png|thumb|265px|KOrganizer]]|| '''KOrganizer 是[[Special:myLanguage/Kontact| Kontact]] 的日曆和行程安排組件, Kontact 是來自 KDE 的整合個人信 :* '''支持多種日曆和 todo 列表'''。 Korganizer 可以無縫的合併多個文件或其他日曆格式來源(比如說web 日曆)的日曆數據。它們可以方便的從圖形用戶界面上激活(activated)、停用(deacti ...6 KB (399 words) - 15:54, 6 October 2022
- |[[Image:Korg-kde4.png|thumb|265px|KOrganizer]]|| '''KOrganizer 是 [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact| Kontact]] 的日历和行程安排组件, Kontact 是来自 KDE 的整合个人 :* '''支持多种日历和 todo 列表'''。Korganizer 可以无缝的合并多个文件或其他日历格式来源(比如说 web 日历)的日历数据。它们可以方便的从图形用户界面上激活(activated)、停用(deact ...6 KB (389 words) - 15:53, 6 October 2022
- |[[Image:Korg-kde4.png|thumb|265px|KOrganizer]]|| '''KOrganizer is the calendar and scheduling component of [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact | * '''Support for multiple calendars and todo lists'''. Korganizer can transparently merge calendar data from different files or other calenda ...6 KB (792 words) - 15:53, 6 October 2022
- |[[Image:Korg-kde4.png|thumb|265px|KOrganizer]]|| '''KOrganizer — календарь-планировщик, входящий в комплект [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact|K :* '''Работа с несколькими календарями и списками задач одновременно'''. Korganizer органично объединяет данные из различных файлов или других источников данны ...10 KB (370 words) - 15:53, 6 October 2022
- ...share] has many great templates that can be used. They are free to use and download. All you need to do is register an account with them. It includes template ...could really use this feature. And it is a very simple process. Open up '''KOrganizer''', go to <menuchoice>File -> Export -> Calendar</menuchoice> and save the ...3 KB (549 words) - 17:30, 24 January 2019
- |[[Image:Korg-kde4.png|thumb|265px|KOrganizer]]|| '''KOrganizer est un composant de [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact|Kontact]] qui fait calend ...rise en charge de calendriers multiples et de listes de sujets à faire'''. Korganizer peut d'une manière transparente fusionner les données du calendrier à parti ...7 KB (1,067 words) - 19:59, 23 May 2024
- |[[Image:Korg-kde4.png|thumb|265px|KOrganizer]]|| '''KOrganizer es el componente de calendario y programación de [[Special:myLanguage/Konta ...Puede trabajar con múltiples calendarios y listas de tareas pendientes'''. Korganizer puede combinar de forma transparente datos de calendarios desde diferentes ...7 KB (1,054 words) - 15:55, 6 October 2022
- ...share] has many great templates that can be used. They are free to use and download. All you need to do is register an account with them. It includes template ...could really use this feature. And it is a very simple process. Open up '''KOrganizer''', go to <menuchoice>File -> Export -> Calendar</menuchoice> and save the ...3 KB (549 words) - 17:30, 24 January 2019
- |[[Image:Korg-kde4.png|thumb|265px|KOrganizer]]|| '''KOrganizer è il componente per il calendario e la pianificazione di [[Special:myLangua :* '''Supporto per calendari multipli e liste di cose da fare'''. Korganizer può unire in modo trasparente i dati calendario da file differenti o da alt ...7 KB (989 words) - 15:56, 6 October 2022
- ...share] has many great templates that can be used. They are free to use and download. All you need to do is register an account with them. It includes template ...could really use this feature. And it is a very simple process. Open up '''KOrganizer''', go to <menuchoice>File -> Export -> Calendar</menuchoice> and save the ...4 KB (585 words) - 17:26, 24 January 2019
- ...share] has many great templates that can be used. They are free to use and download. All you need to do is register an account with them. It includes template ...could really use this feature. And it is a very simple process. Open up '''KOrganizer''', go to <menuchoice>File -> Export -> Calendar</menuchoice> and save the ...3 KB (552 words) - 17:30, 24 January 2019
- There is no download link for ktimetracker here. You should install it by means of your distribu ...patible with korganizer. You can even work synchroneously on one file with korganizer and KTimeTracker. If one program changes the file, the updates will be prop ...5 KB (685 words) - 04:50, 14 June 2018
- There is no download link for ktimetracker here. You should install it by means of your distribu ...patible with korganizer. You can even work synchroneously on one file with korganizer and KTimeTracker. If one program changes the file, the updates will be prop ...5 KB (685 words) - 08:29, 20 November 2019
- There is no download link for ktimetracker here. You should install it by means of your distribu ...patible with korganizer. You can even work synchroneously on one file with korganizer and KTimeTracker. If one program changes the file, the updates will be prop ...5 KB (673 words) - 04:50, 14 June 2018
- There is no download link for ktimetracker here. You should install it by means of your distribu ...patible with korganizer. You can even work synchroneously on one file with korganizer and KTimeTracker. If one program changes the file, the updates will be prop ...5 KB (698 words) - 04:50, 14 June 2018
- * by compiling from source code ([ stable releases], [ * with pre-built installers/packages for Windows and macOS for [ stable releases] and [https://binary-fac ...5 KB (673 words) - 16:04, 7 March 2021
- ...cute the downloaded file (e.g. by navigating with the File Explorer to the download location). The categories are kmail-mobile (Mail), korganizer-mobile (Calendar and Tasks), kjots-mobile (Notes), kaddressbook-mobile (Con ...7 KB (1,204 words) - 09:08, 29 October 2010
- '''KRunner''' also provides options to download files from the web using [[Special:myLanguage/KGet|KGet]] by providing thei There is a runner for interfacing with [[Special:myLanguage/KOrganizer|Korganizer]] and fetching events, but it doesn't seem to be working in SC 4.8. ...18 KB (2,669 words) - 23:03, 23 September 2022