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Параметры системы

From KDE UserBase Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page System Settings and the translation is 4% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

System Settings

Центр управления для приложений и среды KDE.


  • Search function helps narrow down relevant settings
  • Highlight Changed Settings function displays changed settings
  • Pointing at an icon displays a tooltip with more information about it


Когда фокус ввода будет на значке окна (выделен), вы можете нажать несколько первых букв названия любого раздела что бы найти и выделить его.

System Settings has a search function to help in hunting down a setting. Simply type in a keyword in the Search field in the toolbar and System Settings will display modules that contain the keyword and hide those that don't.

Searching for "key".

You can also search for and open System Settings modules in KRunner.



Look and Feel

Customize Plasma in one click.

Workspace Theme

Customize your plasma theme, cursor theme, and splash theme all from here.


Настраивайте стиль, цвет, значки, шрифт и смайлики в ваших приложениях.


Настраивайте уведомления, которые вы хотите получать от операционной системы и от приложений.



Ассоциация файлов

|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/System Settings/Icons]]||

Устанавливайте действия и значки по умолчанию для различных типов файлов.


[[File:{{{2}}}|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/System Settings/Application Style]] Customize your systems widget style (button themes), window decorations (how your titlebars look), and how GNOME (GTK) applications look..


Desktop Behavior

Configure desktop effects such as window animations, transparency, or the desktop cube.

Windows Management

Configure Kwin the KDE windows manager.


Configure keyboard shortcuts.

Startup and Shutdown

Configure your system behavior when starting up or shutting down.


Settings for the desktop search engine and the file indexer.


Acccount Details

Manage users and configure password manager.

Regional Settings

Configure language, time formats, date and more


Configure notifications.


Configure default applications, file associations, and more.


Settings to help users who have difficulty hearing audible cues, or who have difficulty using a keyboard.

Online Accounts

Add your google, ownCloud or Twitter account, for a better integration.



Preferences for your network connections.


Additional settings about your connection, Konqueror and SMB shares


Preference about Bluetooth.


Input Devices

Configure your keyboard, mouse and joystick.

Display and Monitor

Configuration of your monitor(s) and screensaver settings.


Configure the handling of audio CDs

Power Management

Global settings for the power manager.


Configure your printers to work with plasma.

Removable Storage

Configure automatic handling of removable storage media and which actions are available when a new device is connected to your machine.