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|[[Image:Kphotoalbum_splash.png]] || '''KPhotoAlbum 是个你可以用来方便的给给的图片分类的工具。它提供了许多功能,轻松分类和浏览图片'''。<br />  
|[[Image:Kphotoalbum_splash.png]] || <div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
'''KPhotoAlbum 是个你可以用来方便的给给的图片分类的工具。它提供了许多功能,轻松分类和浏览图片'''。<br />
Earlier versions of '''KPhotoAlbum''' were released under the name "KimDaBa". The current release is '''KPhotoAlbum''' version 4.1.1 (as of November 2009).

== History ==
For an introduction, take the [http://kphotoalbum.org/index.php?page=3-minute-tour 3 minute KPhotoAlbum tour] or see the [http://kphotoalbum.org/index.php?page=videos Videos] at [http://kphotoalbum.org/ KPhotoAlbum's Homepage].  To learn more and view some screenshots read the [[Special:myLanguage/KPhotoAlbum FAQ|FAQ]].

'''KPhotoAlbum''' supports all the normal image formats including raw
The development of '''KPhotoAlbum''' started in 2003 with the name '''KimDaBa''' (for '''K''' '''im'''age '''Da'''ta '''Ba'''se) by Jesper Pedersen<ref>[https://commits.kde.org/kphotoalbum/d42ff3603a292741758024f58774585caef12e27 First commit]</ref>. '''KiPi''' support was added in 2004<ref>[https://commits.kde.org/kphotoalbum/ef47dac30088a0a4485af7a33189948d699caf85 Commit add KiPi support]</ref>. In 2006, Tuomas Suutari a sponsored [google summer of code student], implemented a new sql based database.
formats produced by most digital cameras and scanners (using dcraw to do the
decoding). It is also possible to use the thumbnails embedded in raw images
(that are usually of decent size and quality) for fast viewing so there is
no need to decode the whole raw image.

In July 2007, '''KPhotoAlbum''' started to being ported to KDE 4<ref>https://www.kphotoalbum.org/2008/09/03/0052/ KDE 4 porting started of KPhotoAlbum</ref>. The porting finished in May 2009<ref>https://www.kphotoalbum.org/2009/06/12/0062/</ref>

There is a [http://www.kphotoalbum.org/index.php?page=3-minute-tour 3-minute Tour] and a set of [http://www.kphotoalbum.org/index.php?page=videos How-To videos] on the project site.
In 2014, an android version was released<ref>https://www.kphotoalbum.org/2015/03/18/0087/</ref>. A video of the android version is available in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxtD7BG61Ro youtube].  

== KPhotoAlbum 下载 ==
In 2016, '''KPhotoAlbum''' was ported to qt5/kf5<ref>https://www.kphotoalbum.org/2016/11/05/0092/</ref>.
Stable releases are always announced on our [https://www.kphotoalbum.org/news/ news page].
== Getting started ==
For an introduction, take the [https://www.kphotoalbum.org/user-support/3minutetour/ 3 minute KPhotoAlbum tour] or see the [https://www.kphotoalbum.org/documentation/videos/ Videos] at [https://www.kphotoalbum.org/ KPhotoAlbum's Homepage]. [[Special:myLanguage/KPhotoAlbum FAQ|FAQ]] have their own page. A KPhotoAlbum handbook is available as a [https://docs.kde.org/development/en/extragear-graphics/kphotoalbum/kphotoalbum.pdf PDF] and [https://docs.kde.org/development/en/extragear-graphics/kphotoalbum/index.html on-line version].
On first start select one and only one root folder of your files. See [[Special:myLanguage/KPhotoAlbum_FAQ#Can_I_organize_my_images_in_multiple_directories?|FAQ]] for more about root folder.  KPhotoAlbum saves its own files into this same folder. Config file might be in ''~.config/kphotoalbumrc''.

Source packages, binaries for various distros, and snapshots are available from [http://www.kphotoalbum.org/index.php?page=download the project Download page].
KPhotoAlbum supports all the normal image and video formats including raw formats produced by most digital cameras and scanners (using dcraw to do the decoding). It is also possible to use the thumbnails embedded in raw images (that are usually of decent size and quality) for fast viewing so there is no need to decode the whole raw image.

== KPhotoAlbum on Live systems like Knoppix ==
<span id="Getting_KPhotoAlbum"></span>
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== KPhotoAlbum 下载 ==

You can use an image file (or create your own) which integrates KPhotoAlbum in a Knoppix CD/DVD if '''KPhotoAlbum''' is missing there. The details can be found on the page [[Special:myLanguage/KPhotoAlbum on Knoppix|KPhotoAlbum on Knoppix]].
Source packages, binaries for various distros, and snapshots are available from [https://www.kphotoalbum.org/download/ the project Download page].

== Extending KPhotoAlbum ==

* '''Image::Kimdaba''' is a perl module available on [http://cpan.org CPAN] which parses the ''index.xml'' database.
There is a [https://www.kphotoalbum.org/2014/07/15/0085/ Android client of KPhotoAlbum]. It is not "a stand alone application, but rather a viewer for your existing database running on the desktop".
*  [http://search.cpan.org/~jmfayard/Image-Kimdaba/lib/Image/Kimdaba.pm Write your own extensions] to '''KPhotoAlbum'''
* Another way to extend KPhotoAlbum is to write [[Special:myLanguage/KIPI|KIPI plugins]] (that are used also by other KDE photo applications). These plugins provide functions like exporting images to websites like Flickr, Picasa, Facebook, ... correcting exif date stamps or doing some other image manipulations. (KPhotoAlbum by itself does not touch the original files at all but preserves them intact).
* Read [[Special:myLanguage/Image_Kimdaba|Image::Kimdaba]] to download it and to see available scripts
* Other useful scripts are available from [http://www.hardakers.net/kphotoalbum/#sec-5 Wes Hardaker's site]
* With [http://wersdoerfer.com/wicked/Kimdaba2Mysql Kimdaba2Mysql] it's possible to:
** insert your index.xml metadata into a mysql-database
** generate a search-formular on your website  with your kimdaba-keywords, example [http://wersdoerfer.com/bilder here]<br />
{{Note|1=KPhotoAlbum 3 supports MySQL and SQLite databases for storing image data.}}
* Patches and features awaiting approval or implementation - Please use [https://bugs.kde.org/ bugs.kde.org] for that.

<span id="KPhotoAlbum_on_Live_systems"></span>
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== Live系统像是Knoppix上的KPhotoAlbum ==

KPhotoAlbum is available in [https://neon.kde.org/download Neon]:
* User Edition has the latest release
* Developer Edition (stable branch) has the ''5.x'' branch.<br/>Most of the time, this should be the same as unstable, but when new features are developed they only arrive in stable after the roughest edges have been smoothed out.
* Developer Edition (unstable branch) has the ''master'' branch of kphotoalbum.

With [http://www.gowdy.us/pse3/ pse3tokimdaba.pl] it's possible to extract information from your Photoshop Elements 3 database to create an index.xml file. There are quite a few limitations, see the above page for more details.
== Extending KPhotoAlbum ==

[http://d200.vmrt.homelinux.com/|djKPA djKPA] is a [http://www.djangoproject.org Django] web site designed to be the web interface of your [http://www.kphotoalbum.org KPhotoAlbum] photo repository.
* Patches and features awaiting approval or implementation - Please use [https://bugs.kde.org/ bugs.kde.org] for that.
The philosophy of djKPA is be as far as possible fully automatic: labels, tags, descriptions, ... of photo come from KPhotoAlbum. Nevertheless, djKPA is a real interactive application that allows your visitors to vote, post comments, show exif, ... and visit your photos by browsing the your Tags.
* Some useful scripts are shipped with KPhotoAlbum in the contrib directory.

==Help Develop KPhotoAlbum==
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==帮助开发 KPhotoAlbum == ==

If you are interested in helping the KPhotoAlbum development or related projects, please look at our [http://www.kphotoalbum.org/index.php?page=getting-involved this project page]. Or, if you have an idea for a feature, please see the Feature Requests section, below.
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如果你有兴趣帮助KPhotoAlbum开发或其他有关项目,请看下我们的[http://www.kphotoalbum.org/index.php?page=getting-involved 项目主页]。或者,如果你有特性请求,请查看后面的特性请求部分。

==Known Bugs==
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See the list of [https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=kphotoalbum|Known Bugs] and workarounds in KPhotoAlbum.
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==Feature Requests==
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请用[https://bugs.kde.org/ bugs.kde.org]来要求新特性。

Please use [https://bugs.kde.org/ bugs.kde.org] marking the report as a "Wish".
=== New Ideas for Future Versions ===

==Video Support==
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如果你有个新主意,但认为[https://bugs.kde.org/ bugs.kde.org]不是个恰当的地方来回报的话,使用页面上的 [http://www.kphotoalbum.org/index.php?page=communication-media 交流频道]。

'''KPhotoAlbum''' now supports videos as of version 3. This can be a bit tricky to get working, as it requires certain features from your KDE software setup. [[Special:myLanguage/KPhotoAlbum Video Support|KPhotoAlbum Video Support]] will tell you how to get it working.
== More Information ==

==New Ideas for Future Versions==
* [https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/extragear-graphics/kphotoalbum/index.html KDE official documentation]
* [https://www.kphotoalbum.org/ KPhotoAlbum homepage]
** [https://www.kphotoalbum.org/news KPhotoAlbum news]
* [https://apps.kde.org/kphotoalbum/ KPhotoAlbum on apps.kde.org]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KPhotoAlbum Wikipedia article]
* [https://phabricator.kde.org/project/view/255/ KPhotoAlbum phabricator project]
** [https://phabricator.kde.org/source/kphotoalbum/ KPhotoAlbum git repository]

If you have a new idea for KPhotoAlbum and think that [https://bugs.kde.org/ bugs.kde.org] is not the right place for it, use one of the [http://www.kphotoalbum.org/index.php?page=communication-media communication channels] listed on the pages.
== References ==


Latest revision as of 09:30, 6 March 2024

Home » Applications » Graphics » KPhotoAlbum

KPhotoAlbum 是个你可以用来方便的给给的图片分类的工具。它提供了许多功能,轻松分类和浏览图片


The development of KPhotoAlbum started in 2003 with the name KimDaBa (for K image Data Base) by Jesper Pedersen[1]. KiPi support was added in 2004[2]. In 2006, Tuomas Suutari a sponsored [google summer of code student], implemented a new sql based database.

In July 2007, KPhotoAlbum started to being ported to KDE 4[3]. The porting finished in May 2009[4]

In 2014, an android version was released[5]. A video of the android version is available in youtube.

In 2016, KPhotoAlbum was ported to qt5/kf5[6].

Stable releases are always announced on our news page.

Getting started

For an introduction, take the 3 minute KPhotoAlbum tour or see the Videos at KPhotoAlbum's Homepage. FAQ have their own page. A KPhotoAlbum handbook is available as a PDF and on-line version.

On first start select one and only one root folder of your files. See FAQ for more about root folder. KPhotoAlbum saves its own files into this same folder. Config file might be in ~.config/kphotoalbumrc.

KPhotoAlbum supports all the normal image and video formats including raw formats produced by most digital cameras and scanners (using dcraw to do the decoding). It is also possible to use the thumbnails embedded in raw images (that are usually of decent size and quality) for fast viewing so there is no need to decode the whole raw image.

KPhotoAlbum 下载

Source packages, binaries for various distros, and snapshots are available from the project Download page.

Installation Instructions

If you need help to install KPhotoAlbum, look at this tutorial about how to install KDE software.

There is a Android client of KPhotoAlbum. It is not "a stand alone application, but rather a viewer for your existing database running on the desktop".


KPhotoAlbum is available in Neon:

  • User Edition has the latest release
  • Developer Edition (stable branch) has the 5.x branch.
    Most of the time, this should be the same as unstable, but when new features are developed they only arrive in stable after the roughest edges have been smoothed out.
  • Developer Edition (unstable branch) has the master branch of kphotoalbum.

Extending KPhotoAlbum

  • Patches and features awaiting approval or implementation - Please use bugs.kde.org for that.
  • Some useful scripts are shipped with KPhotoAlbum in the contrib directory.

帮助开发 KPhotoAlbum ==





New Ideas for Future Versions

如果你有个新主意,但认为bugs.kde.org不是个恰当的地方来回报的话,使用页面上的 交流频道

More Information
