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{{Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar|Plasma/Introduction_to_Plasma}}
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{{Info (zh TW)|如果你要找Plasma FAQ,當前的版本可以在[[Special:mylanguage/Plasma/FAQ | 這個頁面]]瀏覽。 }}

== 介紹:Plasma是什麼? Plasma做什麼? ==
== 一覽 ==

''Plasma''就是 ''KDE 軟體集(Software Compilation) 4'' 的桌面介面,包括了程式啟動器(開始菜單),桌面,桌面面板(經常簡稱為任務欄,儘管這只是面板的一個組件)。
Plasma is the KDE workspace. Actually it is a technology that can adapt to many types of devices. Currently there are two varieties of Plasma: The Plasma Desktop environment which is the focus of the majority of our pages and Plasma Mobile, the new cool  environment for pads and smartphones. The [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Netbooks|Plasma Netbook]] environment was removed in KDE Plasma 5 and replaced with the Application Dashboard menu.
== Plasma 一覽 ==


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一個 Plasma 桌面有個關鍵組件:
一個預設的 Plasma 桌面有個關鍵組件:

* '''面板''',更常見的叫法是任務,提供放置程式啟動器,任務(程式)列表,時鐘和系統托盤的空間;
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* '''[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Panels|面板]]''',有時被稱為“任務列”,提供放置程式啟動器,視窗(程式)列表,時鐘和系統托盤的空間;
* '''桌面''',元件和圖示擺放的區域;
* '''桌面''',元件和圖示擺放的區域;
* '''Plasma工具箱'''位於屏幕右上角。面板右側也有一個。
* '''[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma#Folder_Views|folder view]]''',列出電腦內某個資料夾內容的元件,用于進行快速的檔案管理作業。
* '''Plasma 工具箱'''位於屏幕右上角。面板右側也有一個。用于快速訪問設定選項。

=== 使用 Plasma ===

你可以像使用其他任何操作系統那樣使用 Plasma,訪問程式菜單(K 菜單),查看任務欄上當前運行的程式,訪問系統托盤上的圖示等等。
=== Plasma 桌面 FAQ ===

Plasma重要部分是被叫做元件東西元件是桌面上獨立單元(individual units),們包括(不限於)程式菜單,圖示,系統托盤,時鐘...元件可以放置在桌面身,或插入到面板。面板和桌面實際上是特殊類型元件,能夠容納其他元件(在Plasma層面上來講,它們被稱作"容器Containments")。  
[[Special:mylanguage/Plasma/FAQ/Index |在這頁面]]維護當前版本Plasma 桌面「常見問題問答集(FAQ)」。它針對常見問題提供了簡要的解答還有指向老版FAQ 鏈接

那個怎麼跟桌面使用聯繫起來哪? Plasma也有關於傳統桌面使用的一些新特性。我們之前已經提到了 Plasma 工具箱(toolboxes),有時也被叫做"腰果(cashews)":那些是與Plasma交互,自定義Plasma的方式。點擊它們,屏幕會彈出一個帶多種選項的菜單:在那你可以添加元件到面板或桌面上,縮放、添加/刪除面板,和其他操作。
=== 使用 Plasma ===

=== 桌面和圖示 ===
你可以像使用其他任何操作系統那樣使用 Plasma,訪問[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Kickoff|程式菜單(K 菜單)]],查看[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Tasks|任務列]]上當前運行的程式,訪問系統托盤上的圖示等等。

如你可能從截圖中註意到桌面上沒有直接放置圖示。而是,它們被放置在一個容器內更常見的叫法「文夾視圖」。雖然有許這樣做的技術上的原因但「文件夾視圖」可以完美作為桌面替代。 (實際上它默認就是顯示「桌面」文件夾內容)你可以拖動它上面的圖示,剪切,複製,粘貼重命名文件並且也創建新文件夾/文件。  
Plasma 一個重要部分是「元件」。元件是桌面上獨立單元(individual units),它們包括(不限於)程式菜單,圖示,系統托盤,時鐘等元件可以放置在桌面本身,或插入到面板或屏幕保護中資訊板上以及其它地方。元非常之多,除了常規的桌面幫助還包括微網志(Twitter,、單位換算器、天氣預報、檔案共享等多。面板和桌面自身也是特殊類型元件,能容納其它元件。  

那個怎麼跟桌面使用聯繫起來哪? Plasma有一些就傳統桌面使用的新特性。我們之前已經提到了 Plasma 工具箱(toolboxes):那些就是Plasma 交互,自定義 Plasma 桌面的方式。擊它們,屏幕會彈出一個帶多種選項的菜單在那你可以添加元件到面板或桌面上,縮放、添加/刪除面板,更換桌面壁紙和其他操作。
<span id="Folder_Views"></span>
===  Folder Views ===

* 可以擁有多個文件夾視桌面上
* 你可以設定不同文件夾視圖顯示不同文件夾的內容(本地和網絡上的文件夾都可以)


=== 無處不在的元件 ===
Folder View 也可以設定成默認的全屏桌面背景,這樣一來,更像是傳統的 「圖示散落桌面」這樣布局。

KDE SC 4.x中的Plasma不但支持Plasma專屬的元件(這類元件也叫做Plasmoid),也支持其他來源比如Google Gadgets和Mac OSX的Dashboard Widgets。額外的元件可以輕易的通過[[Glossary#Get Hot New Stuff|獲得百寶箱]]找到並安裝。
=== 面板 ===

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要獲取更多有關設定 Plasma 桌面面板的信息以及面板的潛力閱讀 [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Panels|Plasma 面板]]頁面

[[Special:myLanguage/LatteDock|Latte Dock]] is an alternative panel.

=== 元件 ===

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[[Image:Plasma_Widget_Explorer.png|thumb|512px|center|Plasma 元件瀏覽器]]

最後一個第四個工具用在某些像是「照片相框」的元件上。例如如果你使用「照片相框」元 件,這個工具會打開「圖片瀏覽器」
Plasma 不但支援 Plasma 專屬的元件(這類元件也叫做 Plasmoid)也支持其他來源比如 Google Gadgets、Superkaramba 和 Mac OSX 的某些 Dashboard Widgets。額外的元件可以輕易的通過[[Special:myLanguage/Glossary#Get Hot New Stuff|獲得百寶箱]]找到並安裝

一些我們喜愛的元件在''[[Plasma/Plasmoids|Plasma 元件]]''有所討論
* 點擊螢幕右上角的桌面工具箱,選擇 <menuchoice>添加元件</menuchoice>;
* 面板右側的面板工具箱,同上;
* 右擊桌,同上

=== 始菜單 ===
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{{Note/zh-tw|1=鎖定的時候你是不能添加元件的。打開桌面工具箱、面板設置或是右擊桌面,然後選擇 <menuchoice>解鎖元件</menuchoice>。
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然後添加完元件後,你可以重複之前的步驟,選擇 <menuchoice>鎖定元件</menuchoice>}}

=== The Panel ===

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The panel can be configured by clicking on the toolbox on the right of the panel which puts the panel into configure mode. This lets you configure the panel to fit your needs.

'''Panel Alignment:''' Allows the alignment of the panel to be set in three pre-set positions.

'''Always Visible:''' Keeps the panel visible at all times, even when windows are maximised.
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'''Auto Hide:''' Hides the panel off screen until the mouse is placed near the screen edge.

'''Windows can cover:''' This allows windows to cover the panel and if maximised, will cover the panel.
'''Windows go below:''' This allows windows to go below the panel, even when maximised.
'''Maximise Panel:''' Makes the panel fit to the screen edges, if it has been resized.
'''Remove this panel:''' Removes the current panel.
'''Lock Widgets:''' Locks the panel and widgets in position.
'''Add Spacer:''' Allows you to add a spacer into the panel giving space between the items in it.
'''Add Widgets:''' Allows widgets to be added to the panel.
'''Height:''' Allows the panel height to be adjusted.
'''Screen Edge:''' Allows you to drag the panel to any of the four edges of the screen.

The arrows on the edge, just below the main settings allow the panel's size to be adjusted. Dragging the arrow makes the panel smaller or larger. Dragging the arrow pointing down, moves the panel's position.
最後一個,第四個工具是"擴展視圖(expanded view)"工具,只在支持該特性的元件上出現,比如「照片相框」或是「網頁瀏覽器」。點擊後,舉例來說「照片相框」便會用圖片瀏覽器打開當前圖片,同樣的操作換成「網頁快訊」元件,便會用網頁瀏覽器窗口打開網頁。

== Advanced usage ==
[[Special:myLanguage/Category:Widgets|這裏]]有列出各式 Plasma 元件,同時擁有各自的頁面條目,一些我們喜愛的元件在 ''[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Plasmoids|Plasma 元件頁面]]''有所討論。
<span id="Activities"></span>
==活動 ==

Special cases not covered here
The icons shown in the screenshot have small buttons in the top right and bottom right. The small pause button in the top right prevents the activity from being included when switching through Activities using <keycap>Super + Tab</keycap>. It also opens up an "x" to delete the activity.  To change the names of the activities, look for the small wrench in the bottom right of the icon.

=== Activities and the Zooming User Interface (ZUI) ===
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[[Image:Plasma_Activity_Explorer.png|thumb|512px|center|Plasma 活動瀏覽器]]

KDE Plasma has brought a lot of new features to the modern linux desktop, however many people are only using a fraction of the desktop's full potential. One of the most useful and underused features is the plasma activities. The basic idea behind is that your desktop space is limited to how many widgets it can hold. A user will want to use a lot of widgets but doesn't want their desktop to be cluttered. The answer to this problem is activities; they allow you to specialize each desktop to whatever task you need to accomplish. To make a new activity you have to click on the toolbox in the upper right hand corner, from there click zoom out. The desktop will zoom out then click add new activity under the small desktop. It will make a new desktop right next to it. Now go click the zoom in button under the new desktop. With this desktop you can add whatever widgets to this desktop and it will not affect the other desktop.
=== 用例 ===

==== Activities and Virtual Desktops ====

Virtual desktops, the ability to have a separate sets of windows on separate desktops, can tie in with Activities. You can have a different activity on each virtual desktop. In Plasma Desktop 4.4, this can be configured by entering System Settings and navigating to Desktop -> Multiple Desktops, and checking "Different Activity for Each Desktop".
去 [ 這個博客] 看下使用提示。[ Chanis 博客] 也有很多活動的使用錄影。

In Plasma Desktop 4.3, You configure this by zooming out and choosing "configure Plasma". Then select "use a different activity on each desktop" and zoom in again.
== 元件布局和虛擬桌面 ==

=== Use Cases ===
虛擬桌面(Virtual desktops),能夠在不同的桌面擁有不同的窗口,可以與活動(Activities)配合使用。你可以設置每個虛擬桌面使用不同的活動。在 Plasma 桌面 4.4,這樣做,打開<menuchoice>系統設定</menuchoice>,進入<menuchoice>桌面->多個桌面</menuchoice>,勾選<menuchoice>每個桌面的活動不同</menuchoice>。

A user likes web comics so they add their favorite web comics via the comics widget. The user now has a full desktop activity dedicated to their favorite web comics.  Now the user is happy with the web comics, but the user now has to go to work, so the user creates a activity with the folder view widgets set to the folders of the projects the user is currently working on.  After work the user goes home and works on a side project of writing romance novels.  The user always gains inspiration by looking at pictures of the user's significant other. The user now creates a new Activity but now puts pictures frame widgets with pictures of the user's significant other.  The user also has a folder view of the romance novel project folder.  Now no matter what the user is doing the user has a custom tailored activity to match it.
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在 Plasma 桌面 4.3,你要這樣,縮小出來,選擇<menuchoice>配置Plasma</menuchoice>。然後選擇<menuchoice>各個桌面使用不同的活動</menuchoice>,再次放大。

Go to [  this blog] to read a few tips on using activities.
== 提示和技巧 ==

==Hints and Tips==
There is subpage [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Tips|Plasma/Tips]] enumerating a lot of useful tips for Plasma.

===The Taskbar===
===調教 Plasma 娘===

'''Accessing the Taskbar Settings Menu:''' Click the panel toolbox (aka cashew), then right-click on the taskbar.  From there you can access the Taskbar Settings dialog.  The following settings are particularly useful:
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:'''Grouping and Sorting:''' Grouping can be by program name, manually, or not at all.  (You can also choose to only enable grouping if the taskbar is full.)  Similarly, Sorting defaults to alphabetically, but it can also be by desktop, manually, or not sorted.
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透過[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/TweakingPlasma#Using_Multiple_Plasma_Themes|混合多個 Plasma 主題]]裝扮你的 Plasma。

:'''Only Show Tasks from the Current Desktop:''' A checkbox on the Filters section.
* Learn how to [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Create_a_Look_and_Feel_Package | create a look and feel package]].

:'''Have More than One Row on the Taskbar:''' If you use many applications at one time you may find it advantageous to set Maximum Rows and then Force Row Settings.
* Learn how to [[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/How to create a Unity-like look and feel theme using Plasma’s Desktop Scripting API|create a Unity-like look and feel theme using Plasma’s Desktop Scripting API]].

:'''Showing or Hiding Tooltips:''' A simple checkbox in the Appearance section of the General page.
* Learn how to [[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/Using_Other_Window_Managers_with_Plasma|change the default Window Manager in Plasma]].

===Tweaking Plasma===
===重載 Plasma===

:Learn how to [[Plasma/TweakingPlasma#A_Windows_Vista-like_sidebar_with_clock_and_news|add a sidebar with clock and news]]
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有時你可能想重新載入 Plasma,像是修改了系統語言後為了能直接出效果,或是因為桌面出了什麽問題。可以這樣操作,打開終端,運行下列指令:

:Customize your Plasma by [[Plasma/TweakingPlasma#Using_Multiple_Plasma_Themes|mixing multiple Plasma themes]]
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{{Input|1=kquitapp plasma-desktop

== Further information ==
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== 進一步資料  ==

* [[Plasma/FAQ | The Plasma FAQ]]
*[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/FAQ/Index |Plasma FAQ 列表]]  
* [[Plasma/HowTo | Plasma HowTo - short screencasts]]
*[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/HowTo/Index |Plasma HowTo - 短屏幕動畫列表]]  
* [[Glossary | Glossary]]
* [[Plasma/Plasmoids| Some of our favourite plamoids]] - why not add yours?
*[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Plasmoids|一些我們喜愛的plasmoid]] - 為什麼不來添加你喜歡的哪?
* [[Plasma/Installing Plasmoids|Here's how to install more Plasmas widgets]]
*[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Installing Plasmoids|如何安裝更多的 Plasma 元件]]
* [[Plasma/Krunner|Learn the versatility of KRunner]]
*[[Special:myLanguage/Plasma/Krunner|了解 KRunner 的強大功能]]

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Latest revision as of 15:30, 31 October 2022


Plasma is the KDE workspace. Actually it is a technology that can adapt to many types of devices. Currently there are two varieties of Plasma: The Plasma Desktop environment which is the focus of the majority of our pages and Plasma Mobile, the new cool environment for pads and smartphones. The Plasma Netbook environment was removed in KDE Plasma 5 and replaced with the Application Dashboard menu.


一個預設的 Plasma 桌面有四個關鍵組件:

  • 面板,有時被稱為“任務列”,提供放置程式啟動器,視窗(程式)列表,時鐘和系統托盤的空間;
  • 桌面,元件和圖示擺放的區域;
  • folder view,列出電腦內某個資料夾內容的元件,用于進行快速的檔案管理作業。
  • Plasma 工具箱位於屏幕右上角。面板右側也有一個。用于快速訪問設定選項。


Plasma 桌面 FAQ

在這個頁面維護當前版本的 Plasma 桌面的「常見問題問答集(FAQ)」。它針對常見問題提供了簡要的解答,同時還有指向老版本 FAQ 的鏈接。

使用 Plasma

你可以像使用其他任何操作系統那樣使用 Plasma,訪問程式菜單(K 菜單),查看任務列上當前運行的程式,訪問系統托盤上的圖示等等。

Plasma 一個重要的部分是「元件」。元件是桌面上獨立單元(individual units),它們包括(不限於)程式菜單,圖示,系統托盤,時鐘等。元件可以放置在桌面本身,或插入到面板或屏幕保護中,或是資訊板上以及其它地方。元件非常之多,除了常規的桌面幫助,還包括微網志(Twitter,、單位換算器、天氣預報、檔案共享等多的多。面板和桌面自身也是特殊類型的元件,能容納其它元件。

那個怎麼跟桌面使用聯繫起來哪? Plasma有一些就傳統桌面使用的新特性。我們之前已經提到了 Plasma 工具箱(toolboxes):那些就是與 Plasma 交互,自定義 Plasma 桌面的方式。點擊它們,屏幕會彈出一個帶多種選項的菜單:在那你可以添加元件到面板或桌面上,縮放、添加/刪除面板,更換桌面壁紙和其他操作。

Folder Views



Folder View 也可以設定成默認的全屏桌面背景,這樣一來,更像是傳統的 「圖示散落在桌面」這樣的布局。




要獲取更多有關設定 Plasma 桌面的面板的信息以及面板的潛力,閱讀 Plasma 面板頁面。

Latte Dock is an alternative panel.


Plasma 元件瀏覽器

Plasma 不但支援 Plasma 專屬的元件(這類元件也叫做 Plasmoid),也支持其他來源比如 Google Gadgets、Superkaramba 和 Mac OSX 的某些 Dashboard Widgets。額外的元件可以輕易的通過獲得百寶箱找到並安裝。


  • 點擊螢幕右上角的桌面工具箱,選擇 添加元件
  • 面板右側的面板工具箱,同上;
  • 右擊桌面,同上。



鎖定的時候你是不能添加元件的。打開桌面工具箱、面板設置或是右擊桌面,然後選擇 解鎖元件

然後添加完元件後,你可以重複之前的步驟,選擇 鎖定元件





最後一個,第四個工具是"擴展視圖(expanded view)"工具,只在支持該特性的元件上出現,比如「照片相框」或是「網頁瀏覽器」。點擊後,舉例來說「照片相框」便會用圖片瀏覽器打開當前圖片,同樣的操作換成「網頁快訊」元件,便會用網頁瀏覽器窗口打開網頁。

這裏有列出各式 Plasma 元件,同時擁有各自的頁面條目,一些我們喜愛的元件在 Plasma 元件頁面有所討論。


The icons shown in the screenshot have small buttons in the top right and bottom right. The small pause button in the top right prevents the activity from being included when switching through Activities using Super + Tab. It also opens up an "x" to delete the activity. To change the names of the activities, look for the small wrench in the bottom right of the icon.

Plasma 活動瀏覽器



這個博客 看下使用提示。Chanis 博客 也有很多活動的使用錄影。


虛擬桌面(Virtual desktops),能夠在不同的桌面擁有不同的窗口,可以與活動(Activities)配合使用。你可以設置每個虛擬桌面使用不同的活動。在 Plasma 桌面 4.4,這樣做,打開系統設定,進入桌面->多個桌面,勾選每個桌面的活動不同

在 Plasma 桌面 4.3,你要這樣,縮小出來,選擇配置Plasma。然後選擇各個桌面使用不同的活動,再次放大。


There is subpage Plasma/Tips enumerating a lot of useful tips for Plasma.

調教 Plasma 娘

透過混合多個 Plasma 主題裝扮你的 Plasma。

重載 Plasma

有時你可能想重新載入 Plasma,像是修改了系統語言後為了能直接出效果,或是因為桌面出了什麽問題。可以這樣操作,打開終端,運行下列指令:

kquitapp plasma-desktop

