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Typographical Guidelines/fr: Difference between revisions

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Lliane (talk | contribs)
Created page with "{{Tip|1=Les ''Programmes'' sont lancés par les utilisateurs, les ''composants'' sont utilisés par les programmes}}"
Lliane (talk | contribs)
Created page with "==Texte en Gras et Italique Combiné=="
Line 31: Line 31:
{{Tip|1=Les ''Programmes'' sont lancés par les utilisateurs, les ''composants'' sont utilisés par les programmes}}
{{Tip|1=Les ''Programmes'' sont lancés par les utilisateurs, les ''composants'' sont utilisés par les programmes}}

==Combined Bold and Italic Text==
==Texte en Gras et Italique Combiné==

Use this combination for replaceable or variable text.
Use this combination for replaceable or variable text.

Revision as of 12:28, 9 August 2012

D'autres pages expliquent l'Agencement de la Page et la syntaxe avec des exemples de code.


Adhérer à ces règles typograhiques assurera que votre documentation puisse être exportée précisement et facilement afin d'être traduite. Certaines règles peuvent ne pas être applicables pour d'autres langues. Elles sont donc notées sur des pages spécifiques par langue, voir Processus de Traduction. Si cette page n'existe pas dans votre langue, veuillez l'ajouter et y écrire les règles.

Texte en Gras

Utilisez le gras pour mettre en valeur

  • Les titres de fenêtres
  • Les textes fixes communs qui ne sont pas modifiables par l'utilisateur
  • Les légendes d'icônes
  • Les noms de programmes

Par exemple :

  • Surligner une sélection de texte le copiera dans Klipper.

Texte en Italique

Utilisez le texte en italique pour mettre en valeur :

  • Les mots ou phrases comme en écriture normale.
  • Les titres lorsque vous référencez d'autres travaux.
  • La première utilisation d'un mot inhabituel.

Quelques exemples :

  • Enregistrez votre travail à cet instant.
  • Les détails peuvent être trouvés dans Samba 3 par l'Exemple....
  • Les manuels de KDE sont au format Docbook.


Les Programmes sont lancés par les utilisateurs, les composants sont utilisés par les programmes

Texte en Gras et Italique Combiné

Use this combination for replaceable or variable text.

Some examples:

  • To connect to your remote server, type ssh [email protected] in Konsole.
  • In rpm-based distributions, the command rpm -q packagename will result in package-version-release.

Mono-spaced Text

Code should be presented in mono-spaced text, usually boxed, as shown below. Input text will be on a pale yellow background. For output text, the background colour will be violet-grey.

  • Code, whether single lines or blocks, use templates to ensure consistency
  • Use the Input template like this:
    qdbus org.kde.NepomukServer /nepomukserver org.kde.NepomukServer.quit
    rm -r ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk
    rm -r ~/.kde4/share/apps/nepomuk
    This will display like this:
    qdbus org.kde.NepomukServer /nepomukserver org.kde.NepomukServer.quit
    rm -r ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk
    rm -r ~/.kde4/share/apps/nepomuk

  • Output works the same way:
    {{Output|1=<nowiki>terminal output 
    is also shown as code, 
    but on a grey background</nowiki>}}
    which displays as
    terminal output 
    is also shown as code, 
    but on a grey background


Note the use of 1=<nowiki> some text </nowiki> to avoid situations that break the display format

  • Starting an Input or Output template on a new line will break the display format if it is within lists. Simply continue on the same line if you need to correct this.
  • You can also combine input/output areas with GeSHi syntaxhiglighting. An input area like this
    {{Input|&lt;syntaxhighlight lang="php" line&gt;
    # Initialise common code
    $preIP = dirname( __FILE__ );
    require_once( "$preIP/includes/WebStart.php" );
    will result in
  • Single code words can be kept in-line by using
    It will display like this. Note, that if the <code> tag is immediately preceded by a newline character, it will not display properly.
  • &lt;tt&gt; &lt;/tt&gt;
    is useful for displaying filenames and paths. This looks like this: a/path/to/here


In-line code markup should be short! It looks strange - and ugly - if a string of code words is split between lines. And remember: even if it looks good in your browser, not everyone uses the same screen size! And even if your text looks good on all screen sizes translations may still suffer. It is best to use the Input template for code unless it is really short.


Please avoid using shell commands or other code words as verbs. This does not translate well. Always treat code words as proper names.

Block Quotes

The tags <blockquote> and </blockquote> should be used when quoting other works or other pages. This produces a proportional italic font, with some padding.

Here is an example of the display that you get by using the blockquote tags.

Text in Section Headers

Even though the criteria above may be met, do not use Bold text in section headers or in links.

Text in Information, Note, Tip or Warning Templates

Bold text should be avoided in the text within these templates. Italic text for emphasis may still be used - use sparingly for maximum effect.


You can have various kinds of lists in your pages — bulleted, numbered or itemized. Find details on the Toolbox page.

Keeping things together

After your text is written some markup is automatically added by the translation system. This means that whenever it sees a blank line, it starts a new unit. When your text is presented to translators, they typically see it one unit at a time, so it is important not to leave a blank lines in the middle of something that should be treated as a unit. Normally an entire paragraph should be kept in a single unit; and under no circumstance should a sentence be split between units!

If you need a linebreak in the middle of a section, the preferred way to achieve this is without breaking units is to use <br /> at the end of the line where you want to break to occur (not on a new line). If you need space between the lines add <br /><br />.

Unbalanced brackets

The translation system marks any translated unit as incompletely translated if it contains any kind of unbalanced brackets. If you need to have unbalanced brackets in your text, please add a balancing bracket in a comment tag, like this:

&lt;!-- }} --&gt;{{ A line 

Another line}}&lt;!-- {{ --&gt;

This goes for all kinds of brackets, even ordinary parentheses. (Of course it is normally better to avoid blank lines within a mark up unit - see Keeping things together.)

Special Tags

  • <keycap> and </keycap> denote (keyboard) key names e.g. Enter
  • <keycap></keycap> can also be used around groups of keys to be used concurrently, e.g. Ctrl + Alt + F1 to launch a virtual terminal. (Note that "(space)+(space)" is used to link keys to be pressed concurrently).
  • Sequences of menu choices should use <menuchoice> and </menuchoice> for example View -> Message List -> Aggregation -> Standard Mailing List
  • In general, if the user needs to choose an element, even if it is not in a menu, the <menuchoice></menuchoiсe> markup should be used.

The Problematic Pipe

In some situations the pipe symbol can't be used - for instance when adding parameters into a template. In any such case, please use {{!}} which will display as a pipe symbol. For example, if you want to display a command line containing the pipe character using the {{Input|...}} template, the simplest way to do it is this: {{Input|1=cmd1 {{!}} cmd2}} which displays

cmd1 | cmd2

If you just write {{Input|cmd1 | cmd2}} you get instead


the problem being, that cmd2 is seen as a second parameter to the template, which in this case is not used.

In many cases, you can also enclose the text containing the pipe character between <nowiki>... </nowiki> tags, like this {{Input|1=<nowiki>cmd1 | cmd2</nowiki>}}, which also displays

cmd1 | cmd2

Translatable Content

Everything that is translatable is contained within <translate> and </translate> tags. In most cases any images should be contained within the translatable section, as it is sometimes necessary to use localised versions of the images to explain a point. The rule of thumb is "If in doubt, include it!".