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Yurchor (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
Yurchor (talk | contribs)
Importing a new version from external source
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::* 支持各種的webcam、相機和攝影機
::* 支持各種的webcam、相機和攝影機
::* Can process low resolution AVI files and High Definition Video from professional cameras.
::* 足以處理低解析度的 AVI 檔和從專業相機來的高解析影片.
* Multi-track format allows interleaving of video and sound
* 多影音軌格式允許影片和聲音的交錯
* Audio files, in multi-track, can be cut to tight synchronisation with your video
* 音訊檔, 多軌處理, 可以緊密的剪輯和你的影像同步
* 各種特效和換場
* 各種特效和換場
* 自定特效和換場
* 自定特效和換場
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** 無損影片(SNOW lossless codec, etc ...)
** 無損影片(SNOW lossless codec, etc ...)
** 自由影片(Ogg vorbis,等...)
** 自由影片(Ogg vorbis,等...)
* Full Undo support, for freedom from anxiety
* 完整的支持重做(還原), 減少憂慮
* Export to many formats, including to Internet websites like Dailymotion, Vimeo and Youtube using presets
* 匯出多種格式, 包含網路知名網站,如 Dailymotion, Vimeo and Youtube 皆可.

For developers: [[Special:myLAnguage/Kdenlive/Ideas|Ideas]]
For developers: [[Special:myLAnguage/Kdenlive/Ideas|Ideas]]

Revision as of 12:04, 27 March 2013




請抽空閱讀新版 Kdenlive 使用手冊!


  • 支持各種的webcam、相機和攝影機
  • 足以處理低解析度的 AVI 檔和從專業相機來的高解析影片.
  • 多影音軌格式允許影片和聲音的交錯
  • 音訊檔, 多軌處理, 可以緊密的剪輯和你的影像同步
  • 各種特效和換場
  • 自定特效和換場
  • 可以輸出成各種標準格式
    • DV(PAL 或 NTSC)
    • Mpeg2(PAL、NTSC 和 HDV)和 AVCHD(HDV)
    • 高畫質 h264
  • 允許混合不同類型的媒體,支援各種解碼器和格式
    • Mpeg2、mp4 和 h264 影片
    • Mp2、mp3 和 ac3 音效
    • 無損影片(SNOW lossless codec, etc ...)
    • 自由影片(Ogg vorbis,等...)
  • 完整的支持重做(還原), 減少憂慮
  • 匯出多種格式, 包含網路知名網站,如 Dailymotion, Vimeo and Youtube 皆可.

For developers: Ideas

Video Editing Made Easy

An overview of the steps required to make a video is on the Kdenlive website, while this page introduces available creative effects.





Linux Journal wrote a comprehensive review, which ended with the verdict "There's a lot to like about Kdenlive, and I like it a lot. Its feature set is full enough to satisfy basic desktop video production needs, and its workflow is uncomplicated and easy to learn."