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= Desarrollo y programación =
= Desarrollo y programación =

[[Welcome_to_KDE_UserBase/es|Home]] >> [[Applications/es|Aplicaciones]] >> [[Applications/Development/es|Desarrollo y programación]]
|[[Image:Applications-development.png|left|64px|Development]]||KDE delivers not only a desktop environment but also a software ecosystem, providing not only software for regular desktop use, but also tools to create such software. Whether developing for KDE platforms or programming in general or doing even web development, KDE offers programs that can help make any programmer's, or even non-programmer's, life easier and more productive.

[[Image:Applications-development.png|left|64px|Development]] KDE no solo ofrece un entorno de escritorio, también un ecosistema de software, proporcionando no solo programas para el uso habitual de escritorio, también herramientas para crear tales programas. Ya sea desarrollo para la plataforma KDE, programación en general, o incluso desarrollo web, KDE ofrece programas que pueden ayudar a que la vida de cualquier programador, o incluso no programador, sea más sencilla y productiva.
== Desarrollo de software ==

== Desarrollo de software ==
{|style="width:75%" cellpadding="4"
|[[Image:Kapptemplate.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/KAppTemplate]]||Generates the basic directory and file structure for a KDE development project.
default [[Cervisia|Cervisia]]
desc none
| colspan="2"|<h4>[[Special:myLanguage/Kate|Kate]]</h4>
:Una herramienta fácil de usar para utilizar CVS.
|[[Image:Kate.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/Kate]]||An advanced text editor with many features including syntax highlighting.
|[[Image:Kbugbuster.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/KBugbuster]]||View and manipulate bug reports on the KDE bug tracking system from you desktop.
|[[Image:Kcachegrind.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/KCachegrind]]||A profiling tool to determine the most time consuming execution parts of program.
|[[Image:Kdesvn.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/Kdesvn]]||A client to subversion. It integrates nice in your Desktop and many applications. {{Community-app}}
|[[Image:Kdevelop.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/KDevelop]]||A powerful and flexible Integrated Development Environment based on KDE technologies. Supports a number of languages such as C, C++, and Ruby.
|[[Image:KompareIcon.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/Kompare]]||See the differences between two versions of a text file clearly.
|[[Image:Kdiff3.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/KDiff3]]||A viewer to compare or merge 2 or 3 files or directories.
default [[KAppTemplate|KAppTemplate]]
desc none
:Genera el directorio básico y la estructura archivos para un proyecto de desarrollo en KDE.
default [[Kate|Kate]]
desc none
:Un editor de texto avanzado con muchas características incluyendo el resaltado de la sintaxis.
|[[Image:trans.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/KDbg]]||A Graphical Debugger. It provides an intuitive interface for setting breakpoints, inspecting variables, and stepping through code.
default [[KBugbuster|KBugbuster]]
desc none
:Ve y manipula informes de errores del sistema de seguimiento de fallos de KDE desde tu escritorio.
default [[KCachegrind|KCachegrind]]
desc none
:Una herramienta de perfiles para determinar que partes de un programa consumen más tiempo de ejecución.
|[[Image:Kfilereplace.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/KFileReplace]]||A very capable multi-line, multi-file, multi-directory find and replace.
default [[Kdesvn|Kdesvn]]
desc none
:Un cliente para subversion. Se integra bien en tu escritorio y en muchas aplicaciones. {{Community-app}}
default [[KDevelop|KDevelop]]
desc none
:Un entorno de desarrollo potente y flexible basado en las tecnologías de KDE. Permite el uso de muchos lenguajes como C, C++, y Ruby.
|[[Image:Kommander.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/Kommander]]||A visual dialog builder that can be used to create applications.
default [[Kompare|Kompare]]
desc none
:Ve claramente las diferencias entre dos versiones de un archivo de texto.
default [[KDiff3|KDiff3]]
desc none
:Un visor para comparar o fusionar 2 o 3 archivos o directorios.
|[[Image:Kuiviewer.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/KUIViewer]]||Display Qt Designer user interface (.ui) files.
default [[KDbg|KDbg]]
desc none
:Un depurador gráfico. Tiene una interfaz intuitiva para colocar breakpoints, inspeccionar variables, y dar pasos a través del código.
default [[KFileReplace|KFileReplace]]
desc none
:Una utilidad de buscar y reemplazar muy poderosa, con opción para varias líneas, archivos o directorios.
|[[Image:Lokalize48.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/Lokalize]]||Computer-aided translation system using a paragraph-by-paragraph translation approach when translating documentation.
default [[Kommander|Kommander]]
desc none
:Un constructor visual de diálogos que puede ser usado para crear aplicaciones.
default [[KUIViewer|KUIViewer]]
desc none
:Muestra los archivos de Qt Designer user interface (.ui).
|[[Image:Plasma.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/Plasmate]]||Plasma add-ons creator that provides a "mini-IDE" for creating scripted Plasmoids, DataEngines, Runners, etc.
default [[Lokalize|Lokalize]]
desc none
:Sistema de traducción ayudada por computador que utiliza una aproximación de traducción párrafo a párrafo a la hora de traducir documentación.
default [[Plasmate|Plasmate]]
desc none
:Creador de añadidos para Plasma que proporciona un "mini-IDE (entorno de desarrollo integrado)" para crear Plasmoids, DataEngines, Runners, etc.
|[[Image:Umbrello.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/Umbrello]]||A diagramming tool for creating models of object-oriented software using UML.
default [[Umbrello|Umbrello]]
desc none
:Una herramienta de esquemas para crear modelos de software orientado a objetos utilizando UML.

== Desarrollo Web ==
== Desarrollo Web ==
{|style="width:75%" cellpadding="4"
default [[Quanta|Quanta+]]
|[[Image:Quanta.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/Quanta]]||A feature-rich web development environment with support for various markup and scripting languages, such as HTML, XML, and PHP.
desc none
:Un entorno de desarrollo web rico en características que puede utilizar varios markup y lenguajes de scripting, como HTML, XML, y PHP.
|[[Image:Kimagemapeditor.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/KImageMapEditor]]||An HTML image map editor from KDE.
|[[Image:Klinkstatus.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/KLinkStatus]]||A link checker from KDE, based in LinkStatus.
default [[KImageMapEditor|KImageMapEditor]]
desc none
:Un editor de mapas de imagen HTML de KDE.
default [[KLinkStatus|KLinkStatus]]
desc none
:Un comprobador de enlaces de KDE, basado en LinkStatus.
|[[Image:Kxsldbg.png|48px|link=Special:myLanguage/KXSLDbg]]||A GUI for debugging XSLT scripts
default [[KXSLDbg|KXSLDbg]]
desc none
:Una interfaz para depurar scripts XSLT.



Revision as of 18:37, 26 August 2010

Desarrollo y programación

KDE delivers not only a desktop environment but also a software ecosystem, providing not only software for regular desktop use, but also tools to create such software. Whether developing for KDE platforms or programming in general or doing even web development, KDE offers programs that can help make any programmer's, or even non-programmer's, life easier and more productive.

Desarrollo de software


Generates the basic directory and file structure for a KDE development project.


An advanced text editor with many features including syntax highlighting.


View and manipulate bug reports on the KDE bug tracking system from you desktop.


A profiling tool to determine the most time consuming execution parts of program.


A client to subversion. It integrates nice in your Desktop and many applications.

 See footnote


A powerful and flexible Integrated Development Environment based on KDE technologies. Supports a number of languages such as C, C++, and Ruby.


See the differences between two versions of a text file clearly.


A viewer to compare or merge 2 or 3 files or directories.


A Graphical Debugger. It provides an intuitive interface for setting breakpoints, inspecting variables, and stepping through code.


A very capable multi-line, multi-file, multi-directory find and replace.


A visual dialog builder that can be used to create applications.


Display Qt Designer user interface (.ui) files.


Computer-aided translation system using a paragraph-by-paragraph translation approach when translating documentation.


Plasma add-ons creator that provides a "mini-IDE" for creating scripted Plasmoids, DataEngines, Runners, etc.


A diagramming tool for creating models of object-oriented software using UML.

Desarrollo Web


A feature-rich web development environment with support for various markup and scripting languages, such as HTML, XML, and PHP.


An HTML image map editor from KDE.


A link checker from KDE, based in LinkStatus.


A GUI for debugging XSLT scripts

Support for this application can be found from the project's home page