Plasma Widgets
Her er nogle af vores favoritter. Andre widgets til Plasma et tilgængelige fra mange forskellige kilder. Hvis du har brug for hjælp til at installere dem, så kan denne side hjælpe dig.
System Widgets
Enhedsbekendtgørelse bruges til at håndtere flytbare enheder som USB-nøgler (også kalde flashdrev), digitale kameraer, eksterne USB-harddiske osv. Det aktiveres også når medier så som cd'er og dvd'er indsættes i det optiske drev.
Når du tilslutter en ekstern enhed eller lægger et nyt medie i et drev, så dukker Enhedsbekendtgørelses vindue op. (Du kan også åbne det eksplicit ved at klikke på dets ikon i panelet.) Det forbliver åbent så længe markøren er over det; ellers forsvinder det igen efter et par sekunder.

Enhedsbekendtgørelses vindue viser en liste over alle de enheder, som aktuelt er tilsluttet. Flytter du musen hen over en enhed, så angives det, hvor mange mulige handlinger der er knyttet til denne enhed. Hvis enheden er monteret, så er der også et lille ikon til højre for den. Klikker du på det, så bliver enheden afmonteret og/eller skubbet ud. Bemærk, at afmontering og udskubning ikke virker, hvis enheden stadig har åbne filer, fx hvis den er i gang med at kopiere en stor fil. I de fleste tilfælde skal du blot vente lidt og så prøve igen.
Clicking anywhere in the shaded box around the device name (but not on the eject/unmount icon if present) pops up a dialogue box with a list of possible actions that make sense for that device. Simply select one and click on OK or hit the Enter key. Double-clicking also works. The Cancel button dismisses the pop-up without taking any action.
Weather Widgets
Weather widgets are especially popular if you live in a country with very changeable weather, such as the U.K.
LCD Weather Widget
The LCD weather widget gets its information from one of three sources, the BBC weather from the UK Met. Office, NOAA's National Weather Service, or Environment Canada. If it can locate a weather station near you it will give you a range of details about the current weather.

It can also be installed to the Task-bar, in which case you get an icon-size display which simply shows the current outside temperature.
Productivity Widgets
Pastebin Widget
This useful tool can be made quite small, to save desktop space, but is invaluable when you need to show a configuration file or screenshot which is too big to be accepted by email. It's also perfect for use with an IRC query.
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To use it, simply drag the required file onto the widget. The widget will then show 'Drop!'. When you drop your file it will give the URL for accessing it from the server, and can copy it to the clipboard for you. You can also drag images from other applications (such as KSnapshot, which is very handy for screenshots) or text that you have highlighted. You can also middle-click on the widget to send the currently selected text.
It uses both Pastebin and Imagebin servers and these are configurable via the widget's configuration dialog.
A battery icon sits in your panel. According to your choice of configuration, it can display the remaining amount of charge, or display it when you hover over it. Click on the battery and you get the summary display, while clicking on the Configuration button takes you to a full configuration screen (click to view enlargement of images).
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A further screen allows you to define and manage a number of profiles, and the final screen gives a summary of your computer or laptop's power-saving capabilities.
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Finally, PowerDevil configurations can be set from Krunner, as described in detail here.
More information on configuration options can be found in this Fedora page.
Support for this application can be found from the project's home page