Tarefas e Ferramentas
Antes de iniciar
O que fazer primeiro
- Para contribuir com o UserBase você precisa registrar-se. Veja quais são as vantagens que isto lhe proporcionará na página Início rápido. Lá você encontrará ajuda para este procedimento.
- Lembre-se de que as suas contribuições serão regidas por duas licenças, identificáveis através dos ícones existentes na barra lateral de cada página. Clique nas imagens no painel de navegação para ler os detalhes de cada licença. Você está concordando que as suas contribuições sejam disponibilizadas publicamente e que os outros podem usar essa informação em seus próprios sites.

- Use a página de Discussões para comunicar-se com os outros colaboradores ou obter ajuda. Normalmente alguém lhe responderá em um dia.
It should relate to KDE software, directly or indirectly. We define it like this:
For New Users - helping to get started
For Regular Users - learning about new features and tips
For Advanced Users - but use sub-pages for this.
Not for Developers - Techbase is the place for that
Ways to Contribute
Update Existing Content
- Update an image, replacing an outdated image with a newer one.
- Create a screenshot
- Modify existing content, fix a spelling, clarify a description, add more details.
Add New Pages
- Create a new page, showcase an application, introduce a new concept.
- Write a manual. You need to know an application quite well, and probably to be in contact with the author. We can help you.
Working with Languages
- Preparing a page for translation needs more patience than skill. If you can spare short periods of time, frequently, this is a very helpful task.
- Translate a page. You need to be fluent in a language, but not a professional translator to translate a wiki page. Translating manuals is the skill of a special team. That page also points you to instructions for translating sidebar links.
- Translate with Off-Line Tools. Get the essentials for Gettext and Import.
- How To Convert UserBase Manual to Docbook gives you an insight into the process that takes place on your finished manual.
Hints and Tips
Some Preferences that will help -
- If you don't have [edit] links against the sections, open your (in the section of the sidebar) then look for and in the set
- While you are in those settings, enable - while you are editing you can glance at the original display for reference
- The default display is to show the preview first, with the edit box below. If you prefer the edit box at the top you can change that setting in the same place