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Akregator automatically collects stories from RSS/Atom-enabled websites |
Akregator pozwala być na bieżąco z wpisami na stronach internetowych, takich jak dot.kde.org lub twitter. Wykorzystuje technologię RSS , którą obsługuje większość stron. Akregator jest częścią pakietu Kontact.
Cechy programu
- Łatwy w użyciu
- Potrafi obsługiwać dziesiątki kanałów RSS
- Powiadamia o nieprzeczytanych kanałach
- Używa zakładek do wyświetlenia pełnych wpisów
- Archiwum kanałów
- Import i eksport kanałów
- Integracja z przeglądarką Konqueror
Używanie aplikacji Akregator
Since Akregator can check any RSS or atom feed that exists, the first thing you need is to find a feed for Akregator to follow. This is probably easier than you think. Check your favorite pages to see if they have links to RSS or atom feeds. Most sites that feature some kind of news-like content have one.
Once you have the URL for a feed, getting Akregator to follow it is easy. All you have to do is select "Add Feed" from the feed menu or use its default key shortcut, "Ins".
After that, you can set an interval which defines how often Akregator must check for and update the subscribed feeds.You can define a global setting or have separate intervals for different feeds.
Akregator has the ability to store and archive the contents of subscribed feeds for as long as you set it to. Again, one can define a global setting that affects every subscribed feed(Settings-Configure Akregator-Archive) , or define an individual setting per feed by right-clicking a feed, clicking "Edit Feed" and going to "Archive" tab.
You may want to import feeds from another browser or if you have created a backup in the past. In order to import feeds, all you have to do is clicking 'Import Feeds...' on the 'File' menu and then locate the file which contains the information about feeds. This is an OPML , XML based file that's a common format for exchanging feeds between many compatible feed readers. To export the subscribed feeds, the procedure is the same as above, except that you will of course select 'Export Feeds'.
For integration with Konqueror, you can install the plugin 'konqueror-plugin-akregator' which lets you add feeds that you find interesting while surfing the web to Akregator, with the ease of just one click.