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Kopete/Jabber Muc

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Revision as of 06:23, 3 November 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Internet-group-chat Jabber Group Chat, også kaldet MUC (multi user chat) er Jabbers svar på IRC-kanaler.


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Kopetes understøtter kun MUC delvis fordi vores backend-bibliotet til XMMP (iris) kun understøtter den gamle GroupChat-protokol. Alligevel klarer Kopete sig ret godt, og nye forbedringer er blevet lavet til version 0.12

Dennn side beskriver nogle af Kopetes skjulte funktioner.

MUC is really a good alternative to IRC. It supports almost everything that IRC supports and even more.

Join a groupchat

First things first, Kopete users sometimes ask how the join a groupchat. This is the join groupchat action in the jabber menu. There, a dialog asks you for the room and the server and your nick. Imagine you want to join [email protected]. "kde" is the room and "conference.kdetalk.net" is the server.


Using the default style for groupchats is a bit annoying due to the space waste. Fortunately, some styles render groupchats well.

For Kopete 0.12 i would recommend theses style:

  • The Gaim style with the Contact Color variant.
  • The Kone style with the Contact Color No Icon Compact variant (available on kde-look)


Did you know that from Kopete v.0.12, it is possible to invite a contact to a MUC ? Simply drag and drop the contact in the MUC chat window.


Kopete uses JEP-0048 for showing the chat bookmark menu. There is no Kopete interface to remove or edit bookmarks. Each chat you join is automatically added to your bookmarks.

You could anyway use the send RAW XML dialog (in the jabber account menu) to edit the bookmark in XML on the server, as explained in JEP-0048 and JEP-0049

Example, to erase your bookmarks, enter

  <query xmlns='jabber:iq:private'>
    <storage xmlns='storage:bookmarks'>

Then disconnect and reconnect in order the changes take effect.


Kopete does also support auto-joining groupchat when connecting. This still follow the bookmark specification of JEP-0048.

Example, if you want to automatically join [email protected] when starting Kopete, you can sendthe following

  <query xmlns='jabber:iq:private'>
    <storage xmlns='storage:bookmarks'>
      <conference name='Kde channel'>
                  jid='[email protected]'>


More generally, most of moderation and admin features are available with the XML console, although you need to have compiled kde with debug in order to see the result in the debug output. Run kdebugdialog and make sure jabber raw (14131) is checked.

All the MUC protocol is described in JEP-0045


By default, messages in a group chat are notified with the "not important message" notification. If someone types your nick in the channel, the message will be highlighted, and the "highlight" notification will be emitted.

The Highlight plugin has great value in group chat. Go into the configure plugins menu, and enable highlight. You can add filters to match someword or regular expression in a chat and you can change the notification level of such messages.

Thus, you can stay idle in a groupchat and be notified when someone talks about a subject you are interested in.