I projekthåndtering bruges nogle ord forskelligt i forskellige programmer, organisationer eller projekttyper. I mere udtømmende ordbøger for projekthåndtering vil du finde alternative definitioner for de fleste ord.
Denne liste definerer, hvordan visse termer bruges i Plan.
- Account
- An account is used in a Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) to represent a place where cost from tasks or resources can be aggregated.
- Allocation
- Tasks are allocated to Resources during the planning stage of the project. The actual assignment is done during scheduling. Note that assignment is not guaranteed as the resource may not be available.
- Assignment
- Tasks are assigned to Resources during scheduling.
- Is the Cost Performance Index and is equal to BCWP/ACWP. When this index is below 1, means that you are over budget. If the index is greater than 1 means that the costs are under budget.
- Cost Breakdown structure
- The CBS organizes accounts into a structure to enable cost to be aggregated independent of the WBS and RBS.
- Estimate
- The estimate is the expected amount of effort or time needed to complete a task.
- Milestone
- Todo
- Program Evaluation and Review Technique
- PERT Distribution
- A simplified way to calculate Expected estimate from Optimistic-, Most Likely- and Pessimistic estimate.
- Resource Breakdown Structure
- The RBS organizes resources into resource groups.
- Resource
- A resource can be of type Work, Material or Team. A resource must always belong to a Resource Group.
- Resource Group
- A resource group is used to group similar resources.
- Resource Team
- A resource team is a resource that consists of a number of other resources.
- Is the Schedule Performance Index and is equal to BCWP/BCWS. When this index is below 1, means that you are behind schedule. If the index is greater than 1 means that you are ahead of the schedule.
- Summary Task
- Todo
- Task
- Todo
- vCard
- vCard is a file format standard for electronic business cards.
- Work Breakdown Structure
- The WBS is used to break down large projects into manageable chunks to ease planning and management.
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