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From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 10:41, 30 October 2012 by Bushuev (talk | contribs)

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Quick Start
  4. Tutorials
  5. Project and File management
    1. The Project Tree
    2. Project File Details
    3. Settings
    4. Annotating
    5. Archiving
    6. Backup
    7. Clips
    8. Importing
    9. Management
  6. Timeline
    1. Editing
    2. Grouping
    3. Guides
    4. Right Click Menu
  7. Alphabetical List of Effects and Transitions
  8. Transitions
    1. addition
    2. addition_alpha
    3. Affine
    4. alphaatop
    5. alphain
    6. alphaout
    7. alpha over
    8. alphaxor
    9. blend
    10. burn
    11. color_only
    12. Composite
    13. darken
    14. difference
    15. Dissolve
    16. dodge
    17. grain_extract
    18. hardlight
    19. Hue shift
    20. lighten
    21. multiply
    22. overlay
    23. Regionalize
    24. Saturation
    25. screen
    26. Slide
    27. softlight
    28. UV Map
    29. value
    30. Wipe
    31. Xfade0r
  9. Effects
    1. Alpha manipulation
      1. Alpha gradient
      2. Alpha operations
      3. Alpha shapes
      4. Blue Screen
      5. Color Selection
      6. Mask0Mate
      7. Rotoscoping
    2. Audio
    3. Audio channels
      1. Balance
      2. Copy Channels
      3. Mono to stereo
      4. Mono to Stereo splitter
      5. Pan
      6. Swap channels
    4. Audio Correction
      1. Gain
      2. Hard Limiter
      3. Mute
      4. Normalise
      5. Volume (keyframable)
    5. Blur and hide
    6. Colour
    7. Colour Correction
    8. Crop and transform
    9. Custom
    10. Distort
    11. Enhancement
    12. Fade
    13. Fun
    14. Misc
    15. Motion
  10. Titles
  11. Monitors
  12. Menu
    1. File Menu
    2. Edit Menu
    3. Project Menu
    4. Tool Menu
    5. Clip Menu
    6. Timeline Menu
    7. Monitor Menu
    8. View Menu
    9. Settings Menu
  13. Rendering
  14. Capturing Video
  15. Toolbars
  16. Shooting Hints
  17. Troubleshooting and Common Problems
  18. Kdenlive on other Desktops and Operating Systems
    1. Non-KDE Desktops
    2. Kdenlive on OS X
  19. Useful Information
    1. FAQ
    2. Shortcuts
    3. Tips & Tricks
    4. Useful Resources
  20. Credits and License