Linuxos és KDE-s szlengszótár
Szó | Jelentés | több... |
terjesztés, disztribúció, disztró | Olyan programok összessége, amelyek egy rendszermaggal teljes operációs rendszert alkotnak, programokkal és asztali környezettel együtt. Autós szakszavakkal élve ez minden alkatrész a motort leszámítva ![]() |
Néhány Linux disztró |
live CD/DVD | Olyan teljes értékű rendszer, ami egy CD-re/DVD-re van kiírva. Ezzel telepítés nélkül lehet kipróbálni egy rendszert. Így olyan gépeken is fut telepítés nélkül, amelyeken Windows van. Biztonságos megoldás, de kissé lassú. | Néhány disztró, amiből van Live CD/DVD is |
csomagforrás, forrás | Olyan Internetes kiszolgáló, melyről csomagokat lehet letölteni a rendszerhez. Címük a disztrótól függ, a honlapjukon többet is megtudhatsz róluk | |
terminal | the Linux command line interface (CLI) ![]() |
Open a console |
Csomagkezelő | Programkatalógusok (szerverek) böngészését, programok telepítését és eltávolítását lehetővé tévő alkalmazás. Ez az ajánlott eszköze a programok biztonságos telepítésének és eltávolításának. Az ezen keresztül telepÍtett programok automatikusan megkapják a legújabb biztonsági frissítéseket és hibajavításokat. | Íme néhány csomagkezelő |
root | Számítógéped rendszergazdafiókja. Még ha te vagy gép rendszergazdája, akkor is ajánlatos csak akkor használni ezt a fiókot, ha nagyon muszáj. Általában ha rendszergazdai jogosultságot igénylő műveletet akarsz végrehajtani, egy párbeszédablakban lehet beírni a jelszavat, a felhasználóváltás elkerülése végett.
console | the Linux command line interface (CLI), usually bash run in Konsole. | Open a console |
shell | the Linux command line interface (CLI), usually bash run in Konsole. A set of commands is comprised in this shell. | Konsole |
su - | Parancssori utasítás felhasználóváltásra, általában a rendszergazdafiókba való bejentkezésre. Akkor használatos, ha egy művelet különleges jogosultságokat igényel. Indulása előtt kérni fogja a rendszergazdai jelszót. Fontos a műveletek befejeztével az exit paranccsal kilépni. Ez visszaléptet a rendes fiókodba.
sudo | Ugyanaz, mint a su, csak ez egyetlen művelet idejéig ad rendszergazdai jogosultságot, ezért rögtön a sudo parancs beírása után hozzá kell tenni a futtatandó parancsot. A su-val ellentétben a saját jelszavadat (nem a rendszergazdait) fogja kérni és nem kell külön kilépned belőle. | |
path | Full specification of a file giving its placing in the file system. For example /home/myUser/Documents/Greetings.txt (an absolute path), or Document/Greeting.txt (path relative to my home directory). | |
bug | anything that may be wrong with an application or the underlying framework. | Reporting bugs |
bko | Short name for the KDE bug reporting site | |
user | A user account. Most Linux system are set up with at least one ordinary user (you) and an administrator = root. | |
session | When you log in to your system, an application or some server you start a session, which lasts until you log out of it again. | |
logon | The act of starting a new session on a system. This usually requires a username and a password. Several users might be logged on to a system simultaneously, although only one would be active at a time. | |
logout | The act of ending a session on a system. The system will then wait for another logon rather that just shutting down. | |
desktop | The workspace you see, when you log in. It typically has a panel with a start menu and other widgets. The workspace itself can also hold various widgets. | |
activity | Activities | |
pager | A widget to switch between virtual desktops | Pager |
task manager | A widget that you will often see in your desktops panel. It will contain a small button for each application you are currently running. You can use it to switch between those applications. | |
systray | A widget that you will often see in your desktops panel. It contains icons for some system services such as the clipboard and the Device Notifier. | System Tray |
thumbnail | A small (often icon sized) preview of the content a file | |
screenshot | An image of what is on your screen at a particular time — sometimes required when you ask for help | KSnapshot |
window | ||
tab | ||
window decorations | The edges around windows including the title line and its buttons, for example the close button. | |
theme | A set of settings for the visual appearance of an application giving it a distinctive look and feel | |
panel | A widget that holds other widgets. You can have one or more panels on your desktop. A panel is always placed along one of the edges of the screen. | Panels |
widget | A self contained mini application that resides on (maybe integrate into) the desktop | Widget |
kio slave | KIO | |
kpart | KPart | |
bookmark | ||
virtual terminal | Command line console text-only interface, usually Alt + Ctrl + F[1-6] Looks like CLI with bash run in Konsole, but cannot display graphics, just text and characters. | |
virtual console pretty much a virtual terminal. | ||
Virtual desktop | Virtual Desktops | |
xko | where x is some letter. Abbreviation for some KDE web site. Examples: fko =, bko = and so on. | |
Konvi | short for Konversation, the IRC client | Konversation |
Nepomuk | Nepomuk | |
Akonadi | Akonadi | |
Strigi | Strigi | |
KDE | The community of contributors and users of KDE technologies | What is KDE |
KDE SC | The periodic releases of the KDE frameworks and core utilities — the Software Collection | |
KDE Software | Besides the KDE SC a number of other software projects are developed under the KDE umbrella and actively supported by the community | |
Plasma | The KDE workspace and supporting technology. Plasma workspaces comes in several varieties, Plasma Desktop, Plasma Netbook and Plasma Active | |
Plasma Desktop | The KDE workspace variety designed for traditional computers, ie. systems with traditional input devices such as keyboard and mouse and with large displays | |
Plasma Netbook | The KDE workspace variety designed for devices with small screens such as notebooks | |
Plasma Active | The KDE workspace variety designed for smartphones and similar compact devices | |
Planet | Short for the The Planet aggregates blogs about all things KDE | |
Dot | Short for The Dot is the official news site for KDE | |
Get Hot New Stuff | Technology that allows applications to offer users the option to easily download and install plugins, artwork, scripts or similar additions using a unified interface. Upload for data sharing, however, is done less easily. | Get Hot New Stuff |
tar ball | An archive format for distributing files. To use the files contained in a tar ball you need to unpack it (see Archive Management in Dolphin). | |
snapshot | Latest development version of an application. Not as polished and well tested as the stable version. | |
sources | Text files containing source code of some software. It has to be compiled and installed before it can be used. | |
build | ||
Context menu | A menu with items relevant for a particular object. Typically, it pops up when you right click the object. | |
meta key | A special key used in combination with other keys. Often the Start key is used for this. | |
cli | The command line interface (CLI) is usually bash (= Bourne Again Shell) run in Konsole app, a textual device for input (type via keyboard) and output (visual read from screen). | |
plasmoid | a native plasma widget program. | |
applet | A widget | |
ghns | See Get Hot New Stuff | Get Hot New Stuff |
kdesu | console command use to start a gui application as a different user (usually root) that runs in the existing desktop | |
kdesudo | See kdesu | |
virtual console | See virtual terminal , an interface (CLI) usually bash run in Konsole. | |
fko | Short name for the KDE forums | |
hover | To place the mouse over some item and keep it still for a little while, so some info bubble pops up or the mouse cursor changes shape. | |
Tooltip | Small info box that is displayed when you hover over an item with the cursor. | |
prefix | A piece of text at the beginning of a text string – the first few letters | |
postfix | A piece of text at the end of a text string – the last few letters | |
$HOME | The path to your home directory such as /home/wiliam/ | |
Super key | A special key used in combination with other keys. Often the Start key is used for this. | |
Compose key | A special key used in combination with other keys – mostly to type accented characters and other non standard letters and symbols, e.g. Alt Gr | Compose Key |