Key Bindings Summary
Keybindings for Working with Documents
Start New Document | Ctrl+N |
Open Document | Ctrl+O |
Save Document | Ctrl+S |
Print Document | Ctrl+P |
Close Document | Ctrl+W |
Quit KWord | Ctrl+Q |
Keybindings for Character Selection
Move selection one character to the left. | Shift+Left Arrow |
Move selection one word to the left. | Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow |
Move selection one character to the right. | Shift+Right Arrow |
Move selection one word to the right. | Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow |
Selects all characters from the start of the selection, to the character directly up one line. | Shift+Up Arrow |
Selects all characters from the start of the selection, to the first character of the line directly above. | Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow |
Selects all characters from the start of the selection, to the character directly down one line. | Shift+Down Arrow |
Selects all characters from the start of the selection, to the last character of the line directly below. | Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow |
Selects all characters from the start of the selection, to the beginning of the line. | Shift+Home |
Selects all characters from the start of the selection, to the beginning of the document. | Ctrl+Shift+Home |
Selects all characters from the start of the selection, to the end of the line. | Shift+End |
Selects all characters from the start of the selection, to the end of the document. | Ctrl+Shift+End |
Moves the current endpoint one screen up. | Shift+Page-Up |
Moves the current endpoint one page up. The endpoint is located at the first character of this page. | Ctrl+Shift+Page-Up |
Moves the current endpoint down one screen. | Shift+Page-Down |
Moves the current endpoint down one page. The endpoint is located at the first character of this page. | Ctrl+Shift+Page-Down |
Select all text in the current frame. | Ctrl+A |
Keybindings for Character Formatting
Toggle Boldface On/Off | Ctrl+B |
Toggle Italics On/Off | Ctrl+I |
Toggle Underline On/Off | Ctrl+U |
Format Font | Alt+Ctrl+F |
Decrease Font Size | Ctrl+< |
Increase Font Size | Ctrl+> |
Keybindings for Paragraph Formatting
Align Block (Justify) | Ctrl+J |
Align Center | Alt+Ctrl+C |
Align Left | Ctrl+L |
Align Right | Alt+Ctrl+R |
Format Paragraph | Alt+Ctrl+P |
Keybindings for Basic Editing Functions and Search and Replace
Copy | Ctrl+C (Ctrl+Insert) |
Cut | Ctrl+X (Shift+Delete) |
Paste | Ctrl+V (Shift+Insert) |
Find | Ctrl+F |
Replace | Ctrl+R |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z |
Keybindings for Inserting
Create Text Frame | F10 |
Insert Picture | Shift+F5 |
Create Formula Frame | F4 |
Create Table | F5 |
Insert Special Character | Alt+Shift+C |
Insert Non-breaking Space | Ctrl+Space |
Insert Soft Hyphen | Ctrl+- |
Insert Line Break | Shift+Return |
Insert Hard Frame Break | Ctrl+Return |
Keybindings for Accessibility
Popup Context Menu | Menu (see note below) |
Resize Panel Forward | F8 |
Resize Panel Reverse | Shift+F8 |
Set Focus to Widget | Alt+F8 |
Enter keyboard Mouse Emulation mode | Alt+F12 |
Click mouse in Mouse Emulation mode | spacebar |
Go to Document Structure | Alt+1 |
Go to Document | Alt+2 |
- On most keyboards, the Menu key is on the righthand side between the Windows® and Ctrl keys. It has a menu icon on it.

Miscellaneous Keyboard Shortcuts
KWord Handbook | F1 |
What's This? | Shift+F1 |
Completion | Ctrl+E |
Lower Frame | Ctrl+Shift+L |
Raise Frame | Ctrl+Shift+R |
Show Stylist | Alt+Ctrl+S |
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