Arranjament del sistema
KDE us permet ser l'amo del vostre propi ordinador. Controla com es comporta l'escriptori en comptes d'estar subjecte als seus capritxos. Vigileu el sistema a la recerca de problemes o configureu l'escriptori al vostre gust. Gaudiu de la potència que us aporta el KDE.
Monitors del sistema
Un visor dels registres del sistema per als entorns de treball del KDE. KInfoCenter
Disposa de tota la informació sobre el vostre maquinari, amb la possibilitat de realitzar recerques. KSysGuard
A highly configurable tabbed system monitor application. SystemActivity
See and control your processes.
System Configuration
A package manager for installing or removing applications. It currently uses the Smart Package Manager system. KPackageKit
A package manager for installing or removing applications. KSysV
A tool for editing your SysV-style init configuration using drag and drop. KUser
User and group account manager. Printer Config
A GUI for the system-config-printer application. KCron
An application for scheduling programs to run in the background using cron. Kiosktool
A tool for managing system-wide KDE workspace restrictions and default settings. System Settings
The new control center for KDE software and workspaces Guidance Power Manager
A power manager supporting screen brightness, laptop lid closing actions, and more.
System Tools
A tape archiving tool using the tar format. Konsole
A tabbed terminal emulator allowing the use of several shells or profiles. Yakuake
A drop-down terminal emulator based on KDE's Konsole technology. Dolphin
An easy to use file manager. Krusader
An advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager.
A file manager, web browser, universal file viewer, and more! Kate
An advanced text editor with many features including syntax highlighting. KDE Partition Manager
A utility to manage your disks, partitions and file systems. KWrite
A simple text editor.