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Guies d'aprenentatge/De KDE3 a KDE SC 4

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Revision as of 08:13, 13 April 2011 by Abella (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''KControl''' ja no existeix.Arranjament del sistema, amb una icona d'eines creuades, és el substitut. Per omissió utilitza una vista d'...")

SC 4? Què és això ? La comunitat KDE distribueix un gran nombre d'aplicacions en els paquets principals. Són coneguts com a Software Compilation. Per conveniència, s'escurça a SC i el número de versió.

A primera vista sembla com si una sèrie de característiques que van ser valorades en KDE3 falten en KDE SC 4. De fet la majoria d'aquestes característiques estan disponibles, però també són abordades de manera diferent. Imagineu una senyal de «Camí tancat» -només cal que trieu una ruta alternativa-. Això és el que ha succeït amb diverses coses, per una varietat de raons.

Un cas particular és de «característiques que falten» des de kcontrol a Systemsettings. Alguns dels arranjaments de kcontrol relacionats amb aplicacions específiques. Aquests arranjaments han estat traslladats a l'aplicació en qüestió, en comptes d'estar en un plafó de control general.

Als vells amics, noves maneres

El KControl ja no existeix

KControl ja no existeix.Arranjament del sistema, amb una icona d'eines creuades, és el substitut. Per omissió utilitza una vista d'icones, organitzades en grups. És possible que preferiu utilitzar l'opció Configuració (la icona de clau anglesa) per canviar-ho a Vista d'arbre clàssica.

Crear icones a l'escriptori

Usar un escriptori clàssic

In KDE SC 4 there are two modes of desktop, either of which may be the default in your distribution. You can change between them by right-clicking on the desktop, choosing Desktop Settings (some distros call it Appearance Settings) and choosing the Type -> Desktop (for those who like a clean, sparse desktop) or Folder View (which behaves much more like the KDE3 desktop).

Un enfocament diferent

For functionality on a cleaner desktop, try using Desktop type, with a small folderview in the corner of your screen (it does scroll) to your data directories. A nice touch is that if you hover over a folder it does descend the directory tree, so you can open a file without needing to go through a file manager.


In 4.4 you have to click the up-arrow to descend the tree.

Also, instead of using the menu to launch applications, try typing in the name (or part of the name or function) into krunner (either from alt+F2 or from the right-click (context) menu on the desktop). Krunner does fuzzy searching, so if you type in 'write' it will offer you the relevant applications you have installed, maybe kwrite, openoffice-writer, kword, or googledocs, and any related bookmarks, so you don't need to remember too accurately.

O arrossegar i deixar?

You can drag an icon onto the desktop in Desktop type, as well as in Folderview type. You will be presented with options suited to the type of file. For instance, if you drop an image onto the desktop you are offered Previewer (which opens the file, giving you icons for the options to open it in a relevant application, or delete the file - move to trash), open in a PhotoFrame, or place an icon for it on the desktop. If you don't see the Previewer option you may need to install kdeplasma-addons.

Another function of drag-n-drop from Dolphin is to drag a folder to create a folderview. Remember that you can scale it to suit yourself, as you will have a scroll-bar. You can even descend through the tree of a folder just by hovering, so opening a single file is much quicker than opening a file manager to find it.

Muntar automàticament dispositius USB

In KDE 3 you could choose to have usb devices mounted automatically upon plugin. In KDE SC 4 this is not the norm. You mount manually, either from the device notifier, by choosing an action, or by clicking on the device icon in Dolphin. From KDE SC 4.2 it has been possible to use an alternative device notifier plasmoid that does support automount functionality. You can read about it here

Mètode alternatiu:

Advanced users may prefer to study the creation of usb device rules. Documentation can be found in the writing udev rules guide.


Ambdues són mesures temporals. El muntatge automàtic es pot restaurar en una versió posterior.

Els plafons s'amaguen automàticament

To achieve this click on the plasma configurations icon (yellow curvy thing at the right hand side of the panel) and select configure panel. Then under more options enable "autohide". Manual hiding, as in KDE3, is currently not possible.

Moure les mini-aplicacions sobre el plafó

In KDE SC 4 you have to bring up panel control (use the plasma toolbox icon, the yellow curvy thing at the right hand end of the panel). If you lock your widgets (or your distro does by default) you will first need to unlock widgets. This can be done from the right-click menu on the desktop. When your cursor moves over a widget (or plasmoid) it changes to a diamond shape. Use that cursor to drag each widget to its new place.

Finish by clicking on the X in a red circle on the configuration panel, and lock your widgets again if you wish, (right click menu, as before).

Mostrar el nom de l'aplicació en comptes de la descripció en el menú K

KDE3 used to let you configure whether you wanted to see the application name (e.g. amarok) or the description (e.g. media player). KDE SC 4 always shows only the description and this makes it very hard to find applications.

If you use 'Kickoff Menu Style', you can easily find an application by typing the first few letters of its name in the "Search" line of the Application Launcher. Once you have found it you can choose to add it to Favorites or to add a launcher icon into the panel or on the desktop.

If you dislike the 'click on everything' style of Kickoff you may like to try Lancelot which has most of the advantages of Kickoff and some nice tricks of its own.

If you prefer the old K menu, then right click the K menu icon and choose Switch to Classic Menu Style. Now you can configure how to show applications in the menu: Right click on the K icon -> Application Launcher settings. Check the Show applications by name option, click OK. Done.


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