Digikam/Reduir el soroll
Reduir el soroll utilitzant digiKam
Transcrit des de l'article d'en Mohamed Malik, el 12 de febrer de 2011
Totes les càmeres DSLR en certa manera pateixen el problema del soroll. Això és especialment cert per a aquelles de gamma baixa i mitjana, fins i tot quan tenen un rendiment ISO molt bo com ISO 800.
Utilitzo una Nikon D3000 i el seu rendiment és bo fins a ISO 800. La ISO 1600 és bona i es pot utilitzar per resolucions petites, mentre que les imatges ISO 3200 són molt granuloses i haig d'aplicar la reducció del soroll.
If you are using digiKam it has a great noise reduction tool. Double click the image where you want to reduce noise and give a right click -> F4 on the keyboard and it will do the same thing.
. You can even pressAfter this you will be presented with the editor view.
From here go to
and you will be presented with this window.
Choose from the settings or you can choose your own settings. Here is a picture of before and after from my tests. They are much more usable and better looking after the noise reduction has been applied.
Before Noise Reduction Was Applied:
After Noise Reduction Was Applied:
Here is another picture in which the noise reduction was applied: