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Plasma/Ordinadors ultra-portàtils

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Revision as of 09:09, 24 October 2012 by Abella (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Per habilitar la interfície per a ordinador ultraportàtil, aneu a <menuchoice>Arranjament del sistema</menuchoice>, escolliu <menuchoice>Comportament de l'espai de treball</...")

Tot el KDE a pantalles petites (p.ex. ordinadors ultraportàtils)

El plasma per ordinadors ultraportàtils del KDE és un espai de treball fet específicament per a dispositius ultraportàtils petits i lleugers.


  • Cerca i executa les aplicacions amb facilitat
  • Experiència enriquida amb Internet
  • Organització més eficient del vostre espai


El plasma per ordinadors ultraportàtils requereix acceleració 3D per a funcionar d'una manera adequada. No és recomanable provar-lo en un entorn sense composició. En el llenguatge humà, això vol dir: es necessita un sistema 3D capaç, amb la configuració correcta. La majoria dels sistemes moderns (incloent gairebé tots els ultraportàtils) ho compleixen, però algunes targetes de vídeo 3D, especialment aquelles que depenen de controladors propietaris (ATI, NVIDIA) de vegades no ho fan.

Com activar-lo

Per habilitar la interfície per a ordinador ultraportàtil, aneu a Arranjament del sistema, escolliu Comportament de l'espai de treball, escolliu Espai de treball i sota Tipus d'espai de treball escolliu Ordinador ultraportàtil.

Consells i trucs

Canviar de tasca

Windows will be fully maximized, without taskbar(s) or window decoration (window title & buttons to close/minimize etc) visible.

To change tasks you can do two things:

  • use the probably familiar Alt + Tab shortcut
  • go to the top-left of the screen with your mouse and bump into the corner. All windows will show up, scaled, on your screen. Choose one with the mouse or type (part of) a name and hit Enter.

La barra de tasques o el plafó

There is a hidden panel on the top of your screen. If you bump your mouse against the top of your screen, it will become visible.

Tancar o canviar les finestres

On the right of the top panel is a close button which will close your current window. If you click on the field to the left of it showing the icon and name of the currently displayed application (or "X running tasks" if the current window is the start page), you will see all running tasks scaled on the screen (like when you push with your mouse in the top-left corner of the screen).

Safata del sistema

Left to the button showing the current application is the system tray with icons showing network connection and battery life.

Llançar aplicacions

Next to the system tray, to the left of the panel, are buttons to go to the application launcher or to the pages you have defined. Click on the launcher and you can start applications by clicking the categories or using the search.


Next to the app launcher you have your first 'page'. Each page has one or more rows of widgets, small applications. These can be used to quickly show you news, view upcoming appointments, control your music player or even browse a webpage.

Afegir estris

Click on the Plasma logo on the bottom of the page. A configuration bar will pop up. Click Unlock Page (if it is locked), and you will be able to add widgets (click Add Widgets and drag and drop the widgets to the desired location) or add more pages. You can also click Configure Page to give your page a proper name, a new background etcetera.

Afegir una pàgina

Click on the Plasma logo on the bottom of the page. A configuration bar will pop up. Click Add page to add a page.

Configurar la pàgina

Click on the Plasma logo on the bottom of the page. A configuration bar will pop up. Click Unlock Page if the page is locked, and you will be able to configure the page. You can now give it a background, a name, and more.