Dette afsnit af dokumentationen dækker de komponenter i Kubuntu, som hjælper dim med at gøre Kubuntu til dit efet system.
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I de fleste tilfælde vil en kablet netværksforbindelse bare virke uden at du skal ændre Kubuntus standardindstillinger. Kablet netværksforbindelse vælges automatisk, der det er tilgængeligt.
De fleste trådløse netværkskort understøttes uden videre af Kubuntu. I nogle tilfælde kan det trådløse netværkskort dog være afhængig af en driver med begrænsninger for at fungere. Den bedste måde at tjekke dette er at åbne programmet jockey-kde (også kendt som 'Yderligere drivere'). For at åbne dette program klikker du på programstarteren Kickoff og søger efter Yderligere drivere. Hvis enheden har brug for en driver med begrænsninger, så kan jockey-kde hjælpe dig med at vælge, installere og aktivere den rette driver. Når alt dette er overstået, så skal systemet genstartes. For mere information om problemer med Wi-Fi se Wireless Troubleshooting.
As a KDE distribution, Kubuntu uses the Plasma Kickoff.
Application Launcher by default. The Launcher can be compared with the 'Start Menu' in Windows (pre Windows 8). The icon to launch is on the bottom left very much like Windows XP or 7. For more information on how to use and customize it, seeKRunner
Like Alt + F2. For more information on what it can do, see Plasma Krunner.
, is a launcher, but it does a lot more than just launching applications. Usually is accessed by pressingDesktop Customization
ThemesKubuntu allows themes to be changed easily. Open and choose in the section, then choose from the list of installed themes. You can change the theme of the Window Decoration, Cursor Theme, Desktop Theme, and the Splash Screen. Pick from the default choices that are installed, or left-click the 'Get New...' button in each section for more choices.PlasmoidsPlasmoids (also called Widgets) can be added by right-clicking the desktop and selecting Plasma Widgets. , which will bring up a list of Widgets. For more information, see
PanelBy right-clicking on the desktop once again, you can select Plasma Panels. to get more panels. You can left-click the button on the far right side of the panel to alter the properties of the panel, like changing its height or width or adding Widgets, for example. For more information, seeDolphinDolphin is the default file manager in Kubuntu and can be compared with Windows Explorer. Dolphin looks simple because of great design, while having many powerful features. For more information, see Dolphin. UpdatingKubuntu developers release feature and security updates for applications and packages within the Kubuntu system. When updates become available, Kubuntu will display a message in the System Tray. To update the system, open and click the button. After installing some updates, it may be necessary to restart the computer. If so, Kubuntu will display a pop-up and an icon in the System Tray. |