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Cantor é uma GUI para extravagantes sistemas computacionais de álgebra (CAS).

É parte do Projeto KDE Educional.

Diferentes backends em ação.


Cantor is an application that lets you use your favorite mathematical applications from within a nice KDE-integrated Worksheet Interface. It offers assistant dialogs for common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others.

Four backends are currently available: Sage, Maxima, R and KAlgebra.


  • Nice Worksheet view for evaluating expressions
  • View of plotting results inside the worksheet or in a separate window
  • Easy plugin based structure to add different backends
  • GetHotNewStuff integration to upload/download example worksheets
  • Typesetting of mathematical formulas using LaTeX
  • Backend aware syntax highlighting
  • Plugin based assistant dialogs for common tasks (like integrating a function or entering a matrix)


Sample plot using Maxima-backend

Sample plot using R-backend


Cantor Handbook