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Revision as of 05:30, 23 October 2014 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Created page with ";Redigerings-Lab: :Det foretrukne farverum til redigering af CIE*Lab skal beskrive CIE-Lab'et.")



KolorManager er en brugerflade for Oyranos´ indstillinger og konfiguration af enheder. Den findes i KDE's systemindstillinger. X Color Management specifikationen bliver implementeret af kded-modulet KolorServer og kan bruges af KWin.

Oyranos er et farvestyringssystem (Color Management System, CMS), som anvender ICC filformatstandarden for farverumsdefinitioner. Brug af ICC's farveprofiler skal muliggøre en fejlfri og automatiseret udveksling af farvedata imellem forskellige farverum og forskellige enheder med deres forskellige fysiske håndteringer af farver.

Det er muligt at samstemme farver imellem forskellige forskellige enheder hvis deres farvekarakteristikker er kendt. Kvaliteten af farvetransformationen for enheder fra et farverum til et andet afhænger især af kvaliteten af farvemålingen og profileringsalgoritmen, som anvendes under oprettelsen af ICC-profilen. Hver farverumsdefinition sker med henvisning til Profile Connection Spaces (PCS). PCS er et velkendt farverum baseret på en gennemsnitlig "menneskelig observatør" som defineret af CIE.

Farveprofiler kan ofte fås fra producenter af billeddannende enheder så som digitale kameraer, skærme og printere. I Oyranos knyttes ICC-profiler til farveenhedernes kalibreringstilstand for at komme tæt på enhedens opførsel, som den blev observeret under oprettelsen af ICC-profilen.

Oyranos muliggør detaljerede indstillinger som foretrukne farverum ved redigering og opførsel ved farvekonvertering og simulation. Oyranos reducerer det arbejde, der er involveret i alle beslutninger knyttet til automatiseret farvestyring, nyttige grundindstillinger og sammenkobling af indstillinger i valgbare politikker.


Der bør altid være ICC-profiler knyttet til alle farver. I de tilfælde, hvor farverne ikke er definerede kan brugere angive forskellige ICC-profiler som standard i Oyranos' indstillinger.

Det foretrukne farverum til Redigerings-XYZ skal beskrive CIE*XYZ.
Det foretrukne farverum til redigering af CIE*Lab skal beskrive CIE-Lab'et.
Editing RGB
The preferred RGB Editing Color Space should represent a well behaving color space like sRGB.
Editing CMYK
The preferred CMYK Editing Color Space should represent a color space that complies to well defined printing conditions like FOGRA or SWOP.
Editing Gray
The preferred Gray Editing Color Space shall describe a single lightness channel color space for grayscale images.
Assumed XYZ source
The selected color space will be assigned to untagged XYZ color content and define colors for further processing.
Assumed Lab source
The selected color space will be assigned to untagged CIE*Lab color content and define colors for further processing.
Assumed RGB source
The selected color space will be assigned to untagged RGB color content and define colors for further processing. Typical sRGB should be assumed.
Assumed Web source
Assigns an untagged RGB Image with source from the WWW this color space. This will always be sRGB as defined by W3C.
Assumed CMYK source
The selected color space will be assigned to untagged CMYK color content and define colors for further processing.
Assumed Gray source
The selected color space will be assigned to untagged Gray color content and define colors for further processing.


The conversion between color spaces of different shape and size can happen in various ways. The Perceptual rendering intent is usual the best choice for photographs and artistic imagery. It is used in many automatic systems. The Relative Colorimetric rendering intent provides a well-defined standard, one-to-one color mapping, but without applying white point adaption. This can lead to color clipping in case of colors falling outside the target gamut as a price for the otherwise colorimetric correctness. The Relative Colorimetric intent is often used in combination with Black Point Compensation. The Saturation rendering intent shall provide an optimal use of saturated device colors. The Absolute Colorimetric rendering intent works like the relative colorimetric one except the white point is adapted. All rendering intents beside the colorimetric ones rely on the color tables designed by the profile vendor.

Rendering Intent
Rendering intent for color space transformations is typical the Relative Colorimetric intent plus Black Point Compensation or the Perceptual intent.
Use Black Point Compensation
BPC affects often only the Relative Colorimetric Rendering intent.
Gamut Warning
Most users want a simple display of colors and will not check if colors match the simulation color space.

Save Mixed Color Space Documents

Mixed color spaces inside one single document can be difficult to handle for some systems. The settings can give the option to flatten document color spaces.

For Screen
Handle mixed color spaces in preparing a document for screen output. A conversion to sRGB helps in easy data exchange and is what most users want.
For Print
Handle mixed color spaces in preparing a document for print output. A conversion to the default editing color space is typically what most users want.


Decide how to resolve conflicts with input color spaces and current settings.

No Image profile
This setting decides what to do in the case that colors have no color space assigned. Typical the according assumed ICC profile should be assigned.
On RGB Mismatch
Incoming color spaces can differ from the default editing color space. For most users, an automatic conversion is fine. However, for more demanding work, the numbers need to be preserved.
On CMYK Mismatch
Incoming color spaces can differ from the default editing color space. For most users, an automatic conversion is fine. However, for more demanding work, the numbers need to be preserved.


Proofing Settings allows one to decide about the simulation color space.

Select a color profile representing a device to be simulated. This profile will only be applied if proofing is enabled.
Proofing Rendering Intent
Behavior of color space transformation for proofing. Most people want a preview on screen only. The Relative Colorimetric intent is right for that. The Absolute Colorimetric intent needs a very careful profiling and non-trivial setup, but allows for side-by-side comparisons.
Enable simulation of output print on the monitor. Most users do not work for a certain media and leave color handling to the system. They want no simulation.
Enable simulation of an output color space on a local printer. Most users do not work for a certain media and leave color handling to the system. They want no simulation.