
From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 11:16, 18 November 2023 by Kazu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "ウィジェットのレイアウトと仮想デスクトップ")


Plasmaは、KDEのワークスペースです。じつは、それはたくさんのデバイスに対応した技術です。現在、Plasmaには2つの種類があります: このページの大半が対象にしているPlasma Desktopと、タブレットとスマートフォンを対象にした新しく、クールなPlasma Mobileです。 Plasma Netbook はKDE Plasma 5では削除され、アプリケーションダッシュボードメニューに置き換えられました。



  • 'パネル、タスクバーとも呼ばれます。ランチャー、ウィンドウ一覧、時計、システムトレイなどを配置する場所です。
  • デスクトップ、ウィジェットやアイコンを配置します。
  • The フォルダービュー、フォルダを表示するウィジェットです。 ファイルの管理をすばやく行えます。
  • Plasma ツールボックス、画面の左上のパネルの端に配置されています。 設定やその他の機能をすばやく確実に行なえます。


Plasma DesktopのFAQ

現バージョンの Plasma Desktop の"よくある質問" は、 このページで管理されています。 よくある質問とそれへの簡潔な答えと、旧バージョンのFAQへのリンクがあります

Finding your way around Plasma





上のスクリーンショットで気づくかもしれませんが, デスクトップに直接配置されているアイコンがありません。 その代わりに、"フォルダービュー"が中に配置してあります。初期設定では、フォルダービューはデスクトップにフォルダーを配置し、ファイルのドラッグ、実行、切り取り、コピー、貼り付け、ファイル名の変更、新しいフォルダ/ファイルの作成などを行えるようにします。


また、フォルダービューを"デスクトップにアイコンが点在する" 伝統的なデスクトップのレイアウトとして設定することもできます。




Plasma Desktopのパネルの設定と、パネルでできることの詳細については、Plasma Panelsページを参照してください。

Latte Dock is an alternative panel.


Plasma Widgets

Plasma supports widgets written specifically for Plasma (also known as Plasmoids) as well as widgets from other sources such as Google Gadgets, Superkaramba and some Dashboard Widgets from Mac OSX. Additional widgets can easily be found and installed through Get Hot New Stuff.

To see the widgets that are installed on your system and ready to use open the Plasma Widget Explorer by either

  • opening the Desktop Toolbox in the upper right corner of the screen and selecting Add Widgets,
  • opening the Panel Toolbox furthest to the right in the Panel and selecting Add Widgets, or
  • right clicking on the Desktop and choosing Add Widgets from the context menu.

To place a widget on the Desktop simply drag it from the Widget Explorer to the Desktop. To place a widget in the panel first open the Panel Toolbox and from there open the Widget Explorer (click Add Widgets), locate the widget you wish to add and drag it to the desired position in the Panel.


You can not add widgets if they are locked. Open the Desktop Toolbox or the Panel Toolbox or right click on the Desktop - if you see an item labeled Unlock Widgets then select that, and then proceed to add widgets to your Desktop or your Panel.

When you are done adding widgets you might want to lock widgets again: Open a Toolbox or the Desktop context menu and click Lock Widgets.

Widgets that are docked into a panel usually have an Options menu, while those on the desktop have the configuration options within the 'handle', the shaded area which pops up when hovering over the widget. Clicking and holding the mouse on the blank part of the handle will allow you to drag the widget to the desired position.

You have four tools on this handle. The top one is the re-sizer. Click and drag on the tool to resize the widget.

The second tool is a rotate tool. Again, click and hold the tool, while rotating to the desired angle.

The third is the wrench or spanner which allows you to configure that particular widget's settings.

Finally, the fourth tool is the "expanded view" tool and is available only on widgets that support this feature, such as the Picture Frame or Web viewers. When clicked, the Picture Frame widget will, for example, open the currently viewed in an image viewer while the Web Slice widget will open the web page in a full web browser window.

A list of Plasma widgets with their own page can be found here, and some of our favourite widgets are discussed on the Plasma Widgets page


The icons shown in the screenshot have small buttons in the top right and bottom right. The small pause button in the top right prevents the activity from being included when switching through Activities using Super + Tab. It also opens up an "x" to delete the activity. To change the names of the activities, look for the small wrench in the bottom right of the icon.

Plasma Activity Explorer

Use Cases

A user likes web comics so they add their favorite web comics via the comics widget. The user now has a full desktop activity dedicated to their favorite web comics. Now the user is happy with the web comics, but the user now has to go to work, so the user creates an activity with the folder view widgets set to the folders of the projects the user is currently working on. After work the user goes home and works on a side project of writing romance novels. The user always gains inspiration by looking at pictures of the user's significant other. The user now creates a new Activity but now puts pictures frame widgets with pictures of the user's significant other. The user also has a folder view of the romance novel project folder. Now no matter what the user is doing the user has a custom tailored activity to match it.

Go to this blog to read a few tips on using activities. Chanis blog has a number of examples as well as screencasts about activities.


Virtual desktops, the ability to have a separate sets of windows on separate desktops, can tie in with Activities. You can have a different activity on each virtual desktop. In Plasma Desktop 4.4, this can be configured by entering System Settings and navigating to Desktop -> Multiple Desktops, and checking Different Activity for Each Desktop.

In Plasma Desktop 4.3, You configure this by zooming out and choosing configure Plasma. Then select use a different activity on each desktop and zoom in again.


There is subpage Plasma/Tips enumerating a lot of useful tips for Plasma.

Tweaking Plasma

Reloading Plasma

Sometimes you might want to reload Plasma, like right after changing system language so the changes takes effect, or because of a problem with the desktop. To do that, open a terminal(or KRunner) and run these commands:

kstart5 plasmashell --replace

More Information

Back to the Introduction page
